
Sunday 26 April 2020

The world is slowly healing

The world is slowly healing while we all isolate
Look around you and everywhere is so sedate.
So few cars on the road and no lorries rushing by 🚗
Turn your eyes upwards and you will see the bluest sky.

This time of an enforced more relaxed pace of life
Is truly a huge bonus for our wonderful wildlife.
The goats have ventured down from the mountains oh so high 🐐
So if you see one eating your veg maybe turn a blind eye. 🥕

It’s said that the kangaroos are bouncing all round Oz 🇦🇺
Rumour is that the beach has been reclaimed by Jaws 🦈
The streets are full of sheep where once people used to stroll
The animals are loving the new human social controls.

The seas are getting clearer as less plastic we do use
For years and years our oceans we’ve simply just abused.
The waters are freely flowing and is so crystal clear
The fish swim around gaily with no humans to fear.

The birds are making nests for they don’t need to isolate
For them they carry on and desperately seek a mate.
Outside you can hear Gods own choir called birdsong
Made up of black birds, sparrows, robins - such a happy throng.

A carpet of bluebells is covering forest floors
With no human feet trampling them for hours.
They have the space to grow and flourish
For in the quietness they feel nourished.

Look up and you won’t see many planes in the sky
Look up and just watch the birds swooping as they fly.
The sky so pure, so blue - so clean
It really is just so serene.

I am glad natures had this holiday
I don’t want us to return to our old ways
I long for a much simpler life
With just a little less stress and strife.

Our world is healing all around us
Our lives being led with so little fuss
No more suffocating fumes
But how long before normal life resumes.

Stay safe
Heal the world
Be kind
Be strong
Be you


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