
Thursday 16 April 2020

The real heroes ..... 2020 - COVID-19

The real heroes ..... 2020 - COVID-19

You slip out of house at the start of your day
Ready to face what may come your way.
You don’t wear a cape or boast of your deeds
Helping so many who are in such need.

You go about your day and never complain
You don’t ever let your patients see your pain.
Your focus is them and helping them through this
All your feelings of sadness you have to dismiss.

You have to stay strong to fight the invisible monster
Some days you feel you can’t go on too much longer.
The public are there for you cheering you on
But the sadness of loss is sometimes too strong.

You often feel broken and unable to cope
But to all that you meet you radiate hope.
Your hearts are in pieces for the ones that we lost
Because you want to save lives at any cost.

We are clapping for carers and all our key workers
Most of the UK feel like some strange observers.
Staying at home to protect precious lives
Wishing COVID-19 into the archives.

Through the darkest days there are glimmers of hope
Captain Tom raising millions to help the NHS cope.
Sometimes you just sit exhausted and weep
Wishing your tired body could just get some sleep.

You truly are heroes without super powers
Working daily into the wee small hours
You gently hold their hand as they slip away
You sit there with them,  maybe even pray.

You know that their loved ones can’t be at their side
Those last precious moments their family denied
So you sit and you give them the comfort they need
Inside it makes your poor broken heart bleed.

But you know that there are many who beat this disease
The joy on their face as the ward they can leave
Beating this virus feels like a throw of the dice
In debt to the health service for the rest of our lives.

So as sad as it seems as each day slowly passes by
We try to stay strong and we try not to cry.
Our values have changed in the blink of an eye
Filled with sadness as some have said their last goodbye.

So you see you’re our heroes - you are wonderful people
We cheer in our streets and ring bells from church steeples!
The role that key workers play is so vital
Super heroes is definitely your new job title.

There are not enough words to show our gratitude
For deliveries, cleaning, policing and our food.
So many brave people go out every day
Risking their lives - so its for them that we pray.

So if you know someone who’s going to work
Leaving their loved ones as regular as clockwork.
Stop for a moment and give thanks for their part
Make sure your thankfulness comes from your heart.

#ProtectNHS #GiveThanks #StayHome #BeGrateful

J C Hicks copyright 17-4-2020

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