
Friday 3 April 2020

Natures Playground

Take a moment in your day to stop and look outside your window
You will see lots of bees and birds maybe even goats but not a pink flamingo!
What a wondrous sight that would be
pink flamingoes for all to see!

Take a moment - look around - for you will hardly hear a sound.
Stand outside - arms wide - eyes to the skies and slowly turnaround.
There is a certain stillness in the air
In that moment you have no cares.

The quietness that surrounds us has become nature’s playground, lockdown opened a gateway.
The creature of God’s wondrous world becoming braver day by day as human activities ebb away.
Sit a while and you will see
Birds bobbing in and out of trees.

The sun has also played its part and will burst through those dark rain clouds.
But please be careful and pay heed don’t be gathering in large crowds.
Instead soak up that glorious heat
Watch birds wings never missing a beat.

What about those nuisance friends and I don’t mean those upon two legs.
Think of those things you run away from like mice, spiders and daddy longlegs!
Those pesky buzzing wasps and flies
 no humans swotting them as they pass by.

Natures slowly reclaiming the world, the environment sighing in relief
No more car fumes billowing into the skies causing underlying grief
We’ve wrapped the world in a plaster
Despite this being a global disaster

So every cloud has a silver lining and while we humans sit and suffer
Nature can truly come alive and we will all come out a little bit tougher
So take this chance to watch the show
It’s natures payback don’t you know


J C Hicks copyright 

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