
Wednesday 1 April 2020

You say hello ................

You say hello and I say .........oh wait don't go
It's days since I have seen another living soul!
To go out for a stroll and see no signs of life
is a sight I would have welcomed in my normal working life.

It is like I need to ring a bell and shout out I'm unclean
as this virus really does go completely unseen.
That doesn't mean we cannot pass a moment in the street
We can smile at passing strangers, say hello to those we meet.

Lets stop and have a socially distanced chat
There can't be any harm in that.
But to be honest what news is there for us to share
Have you seen the latest Facebook post about the teddy bears?

i cannot even be bothered to do my face and hair
although did you see that post that I took the time to share?
Angelina has a campaign she has laid out her grand plan
To dress up on Saturday nights - we will all look really glam.

I've spent a lot of time practising my wave
I hope to use it frequently when I come out of my cave.
It is really rather regal and I feel just like a queen
So if you see my arms a flailing you know you have been seen.

All my races have been cancelled but I gave a secret cheer
I cannot find my trainers let alone my running gear.
I am working on something that is really not so great
It is an increasing muffin top due to everything I ate!

I developed new habits with this enforced house arrest
they really are not ones to keep my body at its best.
I sit at my laptop with my new friend at my side
it is the faithful biscuit barrel and down my belly they do glide.

It seems that the dogs are the real winners in this deal
I cannot even use the toilet without them at my heels!
They love having humans in their every day domain
Our daily little outing around the country lanes.

So when I leave the house for my daily exercise
I know that seeing people will be the real big high.
We will stand across the road and give a nod and wave
Secretly glad we distanced - phew that was a close shave!

So get behind the campaigns that are floating round about
like giving our NHS heroes a massive big shout out.
A rainbow in your window may help brighten someones day
A teddy in your window is a bear hunt game our kids can play

At the end of this ordeal we will come out so much stronger
Lets hope we stand and chat for just that little bit longer.

J C Hicks Copyright 1-4-2020

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