
Wednesday 29 April 2020

I long to ........

I long to ........

I can’t wait to feel the sun beating down upon my face
But not in my back garden but a very special place.
To roam beyond my village is a yearning that is growing
To run across a beach but to feel my pace slowing
I would stop and look around me - absorbing every aspect
Just stand there quietly and take a moment to reflect
To go to gorgeous Tenby and step onto silky sands
Feet sinking into golden grains and run them through my hands
Take a run out to Stackpole and stand upon the cliffs
To soak up a beautiful view now feels like a gift.
To stroll along the coast path, the wind whistling through my hair
That’s my hair that is quite skunk like and I really do despair
A white streak down my parting after weeks of isolation
I’m sure this is a ladies problem right across the nation!
I long to sit and linger over a simple cup of coffee
Served with a soft light sponge smothered with soft toffee
My friends sat all around me as we sit and while away the time
It feels like an eternity since I’ve seen them - even a lifetime.
I long to visit Cumbria and admire the stunning lakes
Sit with my sister and share a massive cake!
To stroll through a sunny Saundersfoot not a care in the world
To see the boats bobbing in the harbour,  yachts with sails unfurled.
To walk around Pembroke and look up at that great stronghold
That strong  and sturdy castle that stands there oh so bold.
I want to take a long run and dive head long into the icy sea
Not do my normal dancing act and only get in up to my knees!
So many beautiful places my heart just longs to see
A muddy stroll through a forest where Benji can climb a tree.
I’ve always loved our country and all it has to offer
It’s now that I really appreciate all it has proffered.

J C Hicks Copyright  29-4-2020

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