
Tuesday 19 May 2020

Covid-19 silver lining .......

Covid-19 silver lining .......

Your normal daily life spews out CO2
Will this lockdown change your environmental view?
We are seeing that our planet is very slowly healing
Surely the idea of cleaner air is appealing?
I know that when this is over we will all revert to type
Maybe I’m being harsh, applying wild stereotypes.
Our planet, wildlife & nature slowly being choked
We created mass industries which produce a mass of smoke.
Our discarded waste and plastic killing ocean life
Surely we should expect better for God’s wildlife.
Our fast, material lives are killing these lush lands
I hang my head in shame and hold it in my hands.
A disposable society the western world created
The consequences of our actions being unappreciated.
This terrible virus seeping across the world
It’s devastating effects slowly being unfurled.
But the silver lining of this time is the opportunity to heal
This time has shown what matters and what we really feel.
So let’s sit and ponder life as it was once and what could be
And dream of swimming in a clear and waste free sea.

#Covid-19 #TimeToHeal #SimplerThings #Wildlife #Environment

J C Hicks Copyright 19-5-2020

Drive by diet.........

Is it just me that sits in my car and thinks, I can change the world!
Sat behind that steering wheel I see all my goals and problem slowly unfurl.
I’m sat tootling along and begin to think about all I think I’m failing at
I can’t stop eating for a start, so I’m gathering a bit of fat!

But before I’ve barely gone a mile down the road, I’ve convinced myself I can diet 🤷🏻‍♀️.
I run through my new eating regime and decide it will be best if I do it on the quiet. 🤫
Yes I will eat fruit for breakfast and a fresh crisp salad for my lunch
If I’m feeling peckish I will have a pot of raw carrots I can munch. 🥕

Drive by diet.........

By the time I’ve covered 10 miles I feel I’ve already lost a stone
I mean I’m mentally convinced I am already just skin and bones,
I breathe in deep to suck everything in - yes I definitely think I’m thinner
I start to think that maybe I will just have a small pudding after my dinner 🤔.

Then it’s that moment as you drive along and pass those runners in a throng
Oh yes you will definitely take up running again, I’m sure they’d  let me tag along?
So by the time you’ve gone another mile,  you are now running marathons
Mentally you are hanging up more running medals - gold, silver and bronze.

So by the time you pull up at your destination you’ve slimmed and toned your tired body
In your mind you’ve changed your life - your body no longer worn and shoddy!
You leap out of your car with a determined stride and skip in through the front door
You flop on to the sofa, your mind already straying - not so sure now about your food war!

Slowly your mind is saying, you could just start tomorrow - I mean this day is almost done 🤷🏻‍♀️
Besides you’ve got that chocolate bar half eaten and salad - well you’ve none!
Yes we will start again tomorrow, I will get myself organised it’s going to be a breeze
Well you do first need to polish off the crisps, biscuits, cakes and cheese ......

#Diets #NeverEasy #DriveByGoals 😂 #Changes. #CarJourneyDreams

J C Hicks Copyright 19-5-2020

Sunday 17 May 2020

Happy 80th birthday Valerie!

There is a woman you all know - Valerie is her name
She is a lady who is from the Carew hall of fame.
Many of you know her and stop and have a chat
But whatever you do don’t get her started about cats!

She married a young Reginald many moons ago
In fact it’s been nearly 60 years, I will have you know.
It wasn’t very long before the sound of tiny feet arrived
There wasn’t much money but no love was Mark deprived.

Next along came Steven George another bonny boy
Their house was full of love and a front room full of toys.
Two was not enough for this super loved up couple
So Robert was conceived and he caused a lot of trouble

Well Bryan was the fourth and he should been a girl
But Reg and Val delighted with their fourth and final pearl.
The house was never quiet and those boys were never still
No wonder Reg made sure that Val went on the pill!

The boys were always out and playing down the mill
Sometimes there were even visits from the old Bill 👮‍♀️ 🤫.
They would often go off crabbing, line and bait in hand
But they never ever intended staying on dry land. 🙈

They’d go diving in that mill pond as often as they could
Always promising their mother they’d be oh so oh so good.
They’d make go carts out of rubbish and flew right down the Court
Going so very much faster than they knew they really ought.

Poor Val was greying quickly as each day passed on by
You’d often see her despair and through her arms up to the sky.
Four unruly wild boys but she took them all in hand
If they over stepped the mark - going out would be banned!

The four boys kept Reg and Val fit and they’re home was always full
Val loved to knit them scarves and jumpers but kept running out of wool.
The boys were always tidy and known around the place
Sometimes Val wished she just had a bit more space!

The boys took up lots of different hobbies - football, cricket, cars
They even loved to cycle Mark sitting Bryan on the handle bars.
The boys discovered drinking and then the fun and games began
George peed in the wardrobe, when Val found out - he ran!

George wasn’t done for that donkey was in his sights
The stuffed donkey which had sat so safely many nights
But George had one too many and was sick upon his head
Thank goodness the donkey wasn’t propped in Bryan’s bed!

The boys soon grew up, they’d survived their childhood days
And they knew they couldn’t stay watching Bullseye all their days.
So one by one they married and soon Val was a granny
Time to dig those toys out from every nook and cranny.

So many years have past by - some happy and some sad
You get to be a very strong woman bringing up four lads!
So it is that Val turns 80 during this very strange time
We can’t all get together and toast her with some wine.

An isolation birthday - it isn’t what we wanted
And initially it left us all feeling quite daunted
But we put together messages of hope, love and cheer
Champagne on ice until we can once again stand near.

So have a lovely birthday you fabulous crazy lady
But don’t be doing anything that looks a little shady.
I’m sure you will have a fabulous day and our gift is rather swanky
We thought that after 50 years you may like a new donkey!

Saturday 16 May 2020

Lockdown Loneliness

Lockdown Loneliness 

Loneliness - a silent killer that creeps from nowhere
Suffocates your heart and mind
Left feeling that life is no longer kind
All that you are left with is just you and your prayers.

Loneliness - where did you crawl from in all your glory
Ripping the soul from my beautiful life
I once was somebody’s wonderful wife
Memories swimming all around now feeling like a story

Loneliness - nobody knows how quietness is not want you want to hear
Surrounded by silence - no escape
Your only view a Constable landscape
Remember when your house was full of loved ones who you held so dear

Loneliness - your fingers creeping slowly up my neck to stifle the air I breathe
Sat remembering happier days gone by
A houseful of people and full of joy
My house once my castle has become my prison and that just makes me seethe.

Loneliness - how can you come in and make my once full life feel so empty
I’ve photos around me of days gone by
My family now gone but there’s been no goodbyes
Living their lives to the fullest they can, leaving the nest in their early twenties.

Loneliness - something I never dreamt would slide into my beautiful home
Every day the same - sat all alone
My precious family are all fully grown
My job done as my loved ones spread their wings and are starting to roam.

Loneliness - I won’t let you consume my every waking hour and suck out all my hope
I’ve lived a full life and I’m thankful for that
It’s nobody’s fault my home is becoming my trap
So I will take the mantle and strive to bring joy and help any others trying to cope.

J C Hicks Copyright 16-5-2020

Thursday 14 May 2020

Distant memories ..........

Distant memories ..........

It seems a distant memory when we could walk freely down the street
A very distant memory when we could stop, shake hands and speak.
I can’t remember what it feels like to receive a warm embrace
To stand and hug a loved one and put my hands upon their face.

I feel this pain inside my chest when I think of all we are missing
Like a squeeze of the hand, a long slow hug or even simple kissing.
My chest is filled with pain and hurt when I see no end sight
I’m praying that the scientists can help us out of this plight.

I can’t believe how much we took simple things in life for granted
Going to watch the rugby with all those loyal fans who chanted
A simple walk around a supermarket,  idling the time away
Stopping for a chat to whoever we may meet along the way.

Long walks on the beach, listening to the waves crash upon the shore
And now we find we can hardly stray very far from our own front door.
A stroll through the woods when the bluebells are in full bloom
Stopping, looking, listening and admiring a beautiful bird’s plume.

It breaks my heart to not see my friends and sit and share some wine
It’s feels an eternity since we all sat and laughed or went out to dine.
I’d love to go to a gig and just dance like no-one is watching
My poor long suffering friends hide in shame as my dancing is so shocking!

It feels an eternity since I sat inside a theatre engrossed in a show
And now our poor theatres are struggling - will they survive - who knows?
Robbed of all our freedom our lives have been stripped bare
We are mere mortal humans with an inner need to share.

It fills me with great sadness that I cannot see my family
Months of separation sadly now a very real reality.
Those special times together are precious memories
I sit and ponder better times, a wonderful reverie.

I sit and contemplate what on earth will be our new normal
With masks, gloves and social distancing it may feel quite formal.
I yearn for our past freedoms and all we used to share
But for now we will just carry on - alert and aware.

#Covid-19 #ScienceIsKey #Simpliertimes

J C Hicks copyright 14-5-2020

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Lunch anyone ......?

Lunch anyone ......?

Well here we are, day 53 of lockdown and it’s that time of day again
What would you like for lunch I yell and the answers still the same.
Oh I don’t mind anything - whatever - what have you got?
I reply with what I know will be a pointless list.

You see my husband is a fussy old sod who claims he’s really not
But when it comes to lunchtime he always ask - what you got?
So here we go I think, the same charade we repeat it daily
I will now list everything and this is what he will say

No I don’t like soup, you know I don’t, unless you have some Oxtail
Did I have Oxtail yesterday - no I didn’t - I smile but then exhale.
How about cheese on toast all bubbling, golden and hot
I’ll even treat you by putting a bit of tomato on the top.

No I had that earlier in the week I don’t fancy it today
I sigh and can't help but think he’s playing food fore play!
How about some beans on toast they never fail to please
I see his nose start to turn up and I know he’s playing lunch tease.

Right ok, it’s fine I say, still smiling through my gritted teeth
Honestly my face says I love you dearly but I’m seething underneath
A nice poached egg on crisp white toast - hah that will hit the mark
Oh god he’s going to reject it and that was my trump card.

How about a nice ham sandwich with all the salad trimmings
I’ve gone off ham to be honest - by now I’m considering slimming 🙈.
My final offer to him - a sumptuous toastie - hot and tasty
There is a glimmer of hope, he’s rubbing his chin - mmm maybe.

Yes we are in - this is progress,  an opening has appeared
Now I need to seal the deal before this option disappears.
A toasted sandwich with ham and cheese does that sound ok?
Mmmmm yes ok that sounds alright - oh good of you to say 😕.

Isn’t that like cheese on toast but just the other way round
And I’m sure not two minutes earlier you said I don't like ham.
But I’m won’t raise these points as I finally have his choice
He’s finally made his mind up - hallelujah let’s rejoice!

I’ve wasted half my lunch break leant against the door
Losing my grip on patience - eyes fixed firmly on the floor.
Maybe I should issue menu cards at the start of each day
Then we wouldn’t be in this loop that each day we replay!

So lunch is sorted once again and I breathe a sigh of relief
Maybe in future I could consider sipping an aperitif 🤔.
He could study food choices for as long as he desired
While I just stand there sipping booze and slowly getting wired!

J C Hicks copyright 12-5-2020

Friday 8 May 2020

VE Day 2020 - 75 Years on ......

VE Day 2020 - 75 Years on ......

We gathered together as neighbours and friends
To celebrate 75 years since the war came to an end.
Seventy five years - not many survivors are left
So many families were left sad and bereft.

We cannot really know the suffering they saw
At their bravery and resilience we look on in awe
Brave men and women who defended our land
Brave men and women following their commands.

We cannot imagine how hard it must have been
Leaving their loved ones, babies born but not seen.
They gave their lives so we could enjoy freedom
Giving us all our very own garden of Eden.

Some left when they were not yet grown men.
Not knowing when they’d see their mothers again.
Fear swelling in their bellies but pride in their hearts
None of them knowing how long they’d be apart.

Some left their homes with a final goodbye
Went down the street,  arms waving up high
People all cheering and wishing them good luck
Secretly hoping their loved ones wouldn’t be struck.

Women and girls were called to work on the land
Keeping food aplenty for families left behind
The ladies produced weapons and ammunition
Knowing this was key to Great Britain’s mission.

Sweethearts, wives and children - families torn apart
The pain of separation cutting deep into their heart.
Hugging their loved ones before they set off to war
Sadly some never came back through their front door.

1939 saw masses set off to defend our great country
Many thinking this battle would end most abruptly
But it raged on into 1945 - so many years - so many lives
Families bereaved losing sons, daughters, fathers and wives.

So 75 years on and we all gather to remember
Think of the loss of every family member.
But who knew we would be fighting again
But this time the enemy we fight is not men.

Our celebrations today marred by an invisible threat
This year that we are in - we won’t ever forget.
As we sit and see pain, heartbreak and death
So many loved ones drawing their last breath.

The heroes of this war are our doctors and nurses
Fighting Covid-19 - one of mans greatest curses.
So today seems more poignant than ever before
For once again it’s our freedom we must fight for.

#WeWillRememberThem #VEDay #75Years

J C Hicks Copyright 7-5-2020

Sunday 3 May 2020

Who is your shepherd?

Who is your shepherd? 

I wonder if we are all sheep just ambling along.
I wonder if we would follow any happy throng.
I wonder,  if we are the sheep - then who the shepherd is.
I wonder if we’d all listen to all that shepherd says.

If you could follow anyone then who would you then chose?
If you could follow anyone would you pick who wore the nicest clothes?
If you could follow anyone would it be the one who spoke the loudest?
If you could follow anyone would you go where judgement seemed less clouded?

If you became the shepherd what message would you deliver?
If you became the shepherd would that just make you a giver?
If you became a shepherd would you make sure you included all the herd?
If you became a shepherd would you listen to all views no matter how absurd?

If you could pick your shepherd who would it be?
If you could pick your shepherd would it be for an eternity?
If you could pick your shepherd would you follow them devotedly?
If you could pick your shepherd would it be without negativity?

Whoever your shepherd may be then I hope they bring you a source of comfort.
Whoever your shepherd may be then I hope they were with you when you suffered.
Whoever your shepherd is then I hope you never feel lonely.
Whoever your shepherd is then I hope they are the one and only.

J C Hicks copyright 3-5-2020

Saturday 2 May 2020

A faceless future .......? 😷

A faceless future .......? 😷

We can none of us can know what lies ahead for us
Once the pandemic of 2020 finally settles in the dust.
There will have been great hardship and sadness all around
Tears flowing so freely but the sadness can’t de drowned.

Our once hectic lives suddenly changed so much
No longer can we shake hands, fearful of that touch.
We can’t enjoy a warm embrace and a hug to say hello
A close and precious gesture that we have to forego.

But I wonder what the future holds once this comes to pass
We are hoping that our children can just return to their school class.
I’m fearful for what our new strange world may look like
We will step out of the door hoping the virus doesn’t strike.

But what sight will greet us as we venture through our doors
Not a sight of beaming faces as we tentatively explore.
A sea of faceless people as we all hide behind our mask
And as the sun beats upon us we cannot stop and bask.

A mask that keeps us safe but strips our emotional signs away
Covering how you’re feeling, no matter what you say.
Shielding our beautiful faces, their radiance’s confined
That simple piece of material supposed to give us piece of mind.

I cannot bear the thought of seeing streets of faceless people
The face that tells us how you feel, happy, sad or gleeful.
Imagine not seeing a simple wholesome smile
I do not want to see this new sort of lifestyle.

Our faces give so much to others, especially those we meet
A simple gesture of a smile as one another we do greet.
The thought of hiding our best asset underneath a mask
Covering hands and mouths becoming part of our daily tasks.

So I wonder what life will look like twelve months on from now
What rules will be in place so normal life can be allowed.
A period of separation seems a price we have to pay
But I hope I can still see your beautiful faces come what may.

J C Hicks Copyright 2-5-2020

Friday 1 May 2020

A glass of wine is just fine! 🍷

A glass of wine is just fine! 🍷 

I’d rather like my life to be like a glass of red wine
Rich, dark and full and enjoyed over a long time.
Full of lots of varieties and maybe even spice
The ability to transport me to a wondrous paradise
Yes I’d rather like my life to be like a glass of wine!

J C Hicks copyright 1-5-2020