
Sunday 3 May 2020

Who is your shepherd?

Who is your shepherd? 

I wonder if we are all sheep just ambling along.
I wonder if we would follow any happy throng.
I wonder,  if we are the sheep - then who the shepherd is.
I wonder if we’d all listen to all that shepherd says.

If you could follow anyone then who would you then chose?
If you could follow anyone would you pick who wore the nicest clothes?
If you could follow anyone would it be the one who spoke the loudest?
If you could follow anyone would you go where judgement seemed less clouded?

If you became the shepherd what message would you deliver?
If you became the shepherd would that just make you a giver?
If you became a shepherd would you make sure you included all the herd?
If you became a shepherd would you listen to all views no matter how absurd?

If you could pick your shepherd who would it be?
If you could pick your shepherd would it be for an eternity?
If you could pick your shepherd would you follow them devotedly?
If you could pick your shepherd would it be without negativity?

Whoever your shepherd may be then I hope they bring you a source of comfort.
Whoever your shepherd may be then I hope they were with you when you suffered.
Whoever your shepherd is then I hope you never feel lonely.
Whoever your shepherd is then I hope they are the one and only.

J C Hicks copyright 3-5-2020

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