
Thursday 14 May 2020

Distant memories ..........

Distant memories ..........

It seems a distant memory when we could walk freely down the street
A very distant memory when we could stop, shake hands and speak.
I can’t remember what it feels like to receive a warm embrace
To stand and hug a loved one and put my hands upon their face.

I feel this pain inside my chest when I think of all we are missing
Like a squeeze of the hand, a long slow hug or even simple kissing.
My chest is filled with pain and hurt when I see no end sight
I’m praying that the scientists can help us out of this plight.

I can’t believe how much we took simple things in life for granted
Going to watch the rugby with all those loyal fans who chanted
A simple walk around a supermarket,  idling the time away
Stopping for a chat to whoever we may meet along the way.

Long walks on the beach, listening to the waves crash upon the shore
And now we find we can hardly stray very far from our own front door.
A stroll through the woods when the bluebells are in full bloom
Stopping, looking, listening and admiring a beautiful bird’s plume.

It breaks my heart to not see my friends and sit and share some wine
It’s feels an eternity since we all sat and laughed or went out to dine.
I’d love to go to a gig and just dance like no-one is watching
My poor long suffering friends hide in shame as my dancing is so shocking!

It feels an eternity since I sat inside a theatre engrossed in a show
And now our poor theatres are struggling - will they survive - who knows?
Robbed of all our freedom our lives have been stripped bare
We are mere mortal humans with an inner need to share.

It fills me with great sadness that I cannot see my family
Months of separation sadly now a very real reality.
Those special times together are precious memories
I sit and ponder better times, a wonderful reverie.

I sit and contemplate what on earth will be our new normal
With masks, gloves and social distancing it may feel quite formal.
I yearn for our past freedoms and all we used to share
But for now we will just carry on - alert and aware.

#Covid-19 #ScienceIsKey #Simpliertimes

J C Hicks copyright 14-5-2020

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