
Friday 8 May 2020

VE Day 2020 - 75 Years on ......

VE Day 2020 - 75 Years on ......

We gathered together as neighbours and friends
To celebrate 75 years since the war came to an end.
Seventy five years - not many survivors are left
So many families were left sad and bereft.

We cannot really know the suffering they saw
At their bravery and resilience we look on in awe
Brave men and women who defended our land
Brave men and women following their commands.

We cannot imagine how hard it must have been
Leaving their loved ones, babies born but not seen.
They gave their lives so we could enjoy freedom
Giving us all our very own garden of Eden.

Some left when they were not yet grown men.
Not knowing when they’d see their mothers again.
Fear swelling in their bellies but pride in their hearts
None of them knowing how long they’d be apart.

Some left their homes with a final goodbye
Went down the street,  arms waving up high
People all cheering and wishing them good luck
Secretly hoping their loved ones wouldn’t be struck.

Women and girls were called to work on the land
Keeping food aplenty for families left behind
The ladies produced weapons and ammunition
Knowing this was key to Great Britain’s mission.

Sweethearts, wives and children - families torn apart
The pain of separation cutting deep into their heart.
Hugging their loved ones before they set off to war
Sadly some never came back through their front door.

1939 saw masses set off to defend our great country
Many thinking this battle would end most abruptly
But it raged on into 1945 - so many years - so many lives
Families bereaved losing sons, daughters, fathers and wives.

So 75 years on and we all gather to remember
Think of the loss of every family member.
But who knew we would be fighting again
But this time the enemy we fight is not men.

Our celebrations today marred by an invisible threat
This year that we are in - we won’t ever forget.
As we sit and see pain, heartbreak and death
So many loved ones drawing their last breath.

The heroes of this war are our doctors and nurses
Fighting Covid-19 - one of mans greatest curses.
So today seems more poignant than ever before
For once again it’s our freedom we must fight for.

#WeWillRememberThem #VEDay #75Years

J C Hicks Copyright 7-5-2020

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