
Saturday 2 May 2020

A faceless future .......? 😷

A faceless future .......? 😷

We can none of us can know what lies ahead for us
Once the pandemic of 2020 finally settles in the dust.
There will have been great hardship and sadness all around
Tears flowing so freely but the sadness can’t de drowned.

Our once hectic lives suddenly changed so much
No longer can we shake hands, fearful of that touch.
We can’t enjoy a warm embrace and a hug to say hello
A close and precious gesture that we have to forego.

But I wonder what the future holds once this comes to pass
We are hoping that our children can just return to their school class.
I’m fearful for what our new strange world may look like
We will step out of the door hoping the virus doesn’t strike.

But what sight will greet us as we venture through our doors
Not a sight of beaming faces as we tentatively explore.
A sea of faceless people as we all hide behind our mask
And as the sun beats upon us we cannot stop and bask.

A mask that keeps us safe but strips our emotional signs away
Covering how you’re feeling, no matter what you say.
Shielding our beautiful faces, their radiance’s confined
That simple piece of material supposed to give us piece of mind.

I cannot bear the thought of seeing streets of faceless people
The face that tells us how you feel, happy, sad or gleeful.
Imagine not seeing a simple wholesome smile
I do not want to see this new sort of lifestyle.

Our faces give so much to others, especially those we meet
A simple gesture of a smile as one another we do greet.
The thought of hiding our best asset underneath a mask
Covering hands and mouths becoming part of our daily tasks.

So I wonder what life will look like twelve months on from now
What rules will be in place so normal life can be allowed.
A period of separation seems a price we have to pay
But I hope I can still see your beautiful faces come what may.

J C Hicks Copyright 2-5-2020

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