
Sunday 17 May 2020

Happy 80th birthday Valerie!

There is a woman you all know - Valerie is her name
She is a lady who is from the Carew hall of fame.
Many of you know her and stop and have a chat
But whatever you do don’t get her started about cats!

She married a young Reginald many moons ago
In fact it’s been nearly 60 years, I will have you know.
It wasn’t very long before the sound of tiny feet arrived
There wasn’t much money but no love was Mark deprived.

Next along came Steven George another bonny boy
Their house was full of love and a front room full of toys.
Two was not enough for this super loved up couple
So Robert was conceived and he caused a lot of trouble

Well Bryan was the fourth and he should been a girl
But Reg and Val delighted with their fourth and final pearl.
The house was never quiet and those boys were never still
No wonder Reg made sure that Val went on the pill!

The boys were always out and playing down the mill
Sometimes there were even visits from the old Bill 👮‍♀️ 🤫.
They would often go off crabbing, line and bait in hand
But they never ever intended staying on dry land. 🙈

They’d go diving in that mill pond as often as they could
Always promising their mother they’d be oh so oh so good.
They’d make go carts out of rubbish and flew right down the Court
Going so very much faster than they knew they really ought.

Poor Val was greying quickly as each day passed on by
You’d often see her despair and through her arms up to the sky.
Four unruly wild boys but she took them all in hand
If they over stepped the mark - going out would be banned!

The four boys kept Reg and Val fit and they’re home was always full
Val loved to knit them scarves and jumpers but kept running out of wool.
The boys were always tidy and known around the place
Sometimes Val wished she just had a bit more space!

The boys took up lots of different hobbies - football, cricket, cars
They even loved to cycle Mark sitting Bryan on the handle bars.
The boys discovered drinking and then the fun and games began
George peed in the wardrobe, when Val found out - he ran!

George wasn’t done for that donkey was in his sights
The stuffed donkey which had sat so safely many nights
But George had one too many and was sick upon his head
Thank goodness the donkey wasn’t propped in Bryan’s bed!

The boys soon grew up, they’d survived their childhood days
And they knew they couldn’t stay watching Bullseye all their days.
So one by one they married and soon Val was a granny
Time to dig those toys out from every nook and cranny.

So many years have past by - some happy and some sad
You get to be a very strong woman bringing up four lads!
So it is that Val turns 80 during this very strange time
We can’t all get together and toast her with some wine.

An isolation birthday - it isn’t what we wanted
And initially it left us all feeling quite daunted
But we put together messages of hope, love and cheer
Champagne on ice until we can once again stand near.

So have a lovely birthday you fabulous crazy lady
But don’t be doing anything that looks a little shady.
I’m sure you will have a fabulous day and our gift is rather swanky
We thought that after 50 years you may like a new donkey!

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