
Tuesday 19 May 2020

Covid-19 silver lining .......

Covid-19 silver lining .......

Your normal daily life spews out CO2
Will this lockdown change your environmental view?
We are seeing that our planet is very slowly healing
Surely the idea of cleaner air is appealing?
I know that when this is over we will all revert to type
Maybe I’m being harsh, applying wild stereotypes.
Our planet, wildlife & nature slowly being choked
We created mass industries which produce a mass of smoke.
Our discarded waste and plastic killing ocean life
Surely we should expect better for God’s wildlife.
Our fast, material lives are killing these lush lands
I hang my head in shame and hold it in my hands.
A disposable society the western world created
The consequences of our actions being unappreciated.
This terrible virus seeping across the world
It’s devastating effects slowly being unfurled.
But the silver lining of this time is the opportunity to heal
This time has shown what matters and what we really feel.
So let’s sit and ponder life as it was once and what could be
And dream of swimming in a clear and waste free sea.

#Covid-19 #TimeToHeal #SimplerThings #Wildlife #Environment

J C Hicks Copyright 19-5-2020

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