
Monday 26 August 2024

26/08/24 - Doggy Deal

Monday 26th August 2024

We think that we pick them 
But what if they pick us?
Looking at the humans 
To find just one they trust 

Then they look into your eyes
And wait for your face to smile
The deal is done - the dice thrown
Your new dog friend is coming home

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Wednesday 21 August 2024

22/08/2024 - The Wave of Grief

Wednesday 21st August 2024

You crept up behind me
Caught me unawares
Slipped into that moment
Like you really didn’t care 

I tried so hard not to listen
Not let those thoughts seep in
I bit my bottom lip so hard 
And tried to drown out your din

Round and round and round
You went 
Until my emotions were
All spent 

Then I found the release valve
And opened it right up 
The tears streamed down by cheeks
In my throat there was a lump

Grief you move silently
But are never far away
Reminding us of those we miss
Every single day 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Sunday 18 August 2024

18/02/2024 - Never, never, never …..

Sunday 18th August 2024

Never let unkind words drip from your mouth
Never spread hatred and lies
Never envy what others have
Never want more than you need
Never judge others 

Never - 5 little letters 
5 little letters - such a big word

Hard isn’t it?

Never forget to be grateful
Never forget to say please and thank you
Never forget to spread happiness and joy
Never forget to smile at a stranger 
Never forget to be kind
Never forget to pay it forward
Never forget we have one life
One shot at it
Never overthink it 
Remember nobody ever gets it all right! 
Never be too hard on yourself! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Saturday 17 August 2024

17/08/2024 - Beans or No Beans

Saturday 17th August 2024

Sausages were cooked and bacon was fried
There were times when patience was definitely tried

Carol was manning the orders for toast 
A full cooked breakfast ordered by most

A few burnt toast “frisbees” were tossed now and then 
Carol just shrugged, smiled and said I will do that again 🤣

Mim flipped the eggs and kept everyone stable
Assisted by Margaret who was more than able 

Ruth kept the coffee and tea flowing freely 
Not too many orders at once - ideally…..

Paul had his hands in the sink all day
He’s booked himself a manicure - or so they say! 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

Beans or no beans was the shout of the morning
More bacon, more eggs poor Mim was calling

Helen and Jenny for dirty dishes went trawling
People reminiscing whilst old memories recalling

The ladies sold all sorts of goods and nice cakes 
Lots of lush goodies all lovingly baked.

And so it is that we say a huge thank you 
I’m off to get “no beans” as a tattoo 😂

Thank you to everyone who supported Carew Wesley’s breakfast fundraiser! Huge thank you to everyone who helped out - too many to mention! We could not have done it without them! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Thursday 15 August 2024

15/08/2024 - The Odd One Out

I push you gently in your place
You fell into the nearest space
Round and round and round you go
When it will stop, you just don’t know!
I reach inside to lift you out 
You were there, I have no doubt
No, I sweep my hand all around
Mmm that one odd sock - can’t be found 😂

Where do all the socks go……😂

Joanne C Hicks Pembrokeshire Poet copyright ©️ 

Sunday 11 August 2024

11/08/2024 - Beware The Written Word

Sunday 11th August 2024

Social media squirming, swirling and swarming
Making me paranoid - is that the truth you’re informing?
Every which way I look conspiracy stories being spun 
A few lines, a convincing photo and the lies have begun
Hatred being fuelled and people being cruel 
Words can be hurtful, aiming to divide and add fuel  
With A.I. peeping over the horizon - what is the truth?
What influence is this media having over our youth?
Then there is a glimmer of hope in the pit of darkness
A good deed is done and it softens the hardness
We must take a moment to reflect on our action 
And maybe not let social media become too big a distraction! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Saturday 10 August 2024

10/08/2024 - Love is never far away

Saturday 10th August 2024

Love is never far away
Even though you couldn’t stay
It’s always right in my heart 
Even though we are far apart
No day goes by without you here 
I always feel that you are near 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Friday 9 August 2024

09/08/2024 - How long is a piece of string….

Friday 9th August 2024

How do I know what to do and when 
If I don’t know how long my life will be …..

Don’t think about how long your life will be 
Think about how deep and meaningful you can make every day …….

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Monday 5 August 2024

05/08/2024 - Follow The Path

Monday 5th August 2024

She wandered along the path
Not sure if she was going the right way
Not sure if she’d been down this path before
She stopped - ran her fingers through the long green grass
She took a moment to look around her 
So many paths
So many choices
Could she ever pick the wrong path?
No - every path offered up a new experience 
Savour the paths you travel upon 
You are always on the right path 
But you can switch direction any time 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Tuesday 30 July 2024

30/07/2024 - The forest in my mind

Tuesday 30th July 2024

I’m wandering through the forest 
The forest in my mind
Pushing back strong branches
To see what I may find
I delve a little deeper and move the leaves aside
Suddenly I find my pen on paper glides……

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Monday 29 July 2024

29/07/24 - Grow old gracefully

Monday 29th July 2024

Grow old with grace and decorum 
For it is a privilege denied to some
Accept and love who you are
A wrinkle is your battle scar 
Accept that we age and it is a gift 
You don’t need the tucks or a face lift
Grow old with passion and flair
There’s nothing wrong with self care
But we must appreciate every year we live 
It’s makes you older, wiser and with so much to give 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet (FB)

Check out my book. Eloquent available on Amazon 

Wednesday 24 July 2024

24/07/2024 - Flow Joe Flow 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

24/07/2024 Wednesday 

Sitting looking at a blank page 
Unable to get my brain to engage
Just one word, that’s all I need 
To start a creative juices feed 
But nothing is there 
The cupboard is bare
Some days it just flows
And that is all about it Joe 😂😂😂

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet (FB)

Find my collection of poems on Amazon. Eloquent 

Monday 22 July 2024

22-07-2024 - Regrets - I have a few….

Don’t live a life full of regret
Creating memories doesn’t mean living in debt
Seize the day, the moment, the hour!
Your life is within your own power
Don’t look back and think if only 
For one day you may be old and lonely 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Find my book on Amazon - Eloquent 

Wednesday 17 July 2024

17/07/2024 - Never-ending Life….

Wednesday 17th July 2024

If you could pop a pill that gave you eternal life
Would you take that offer and live forever more
It wouldn’t guarantee a life without any strife
But it would guarantee you won’t knock on deaths door

Would you want to live forever in an ever changing world
Getting up each day and juggling daily tasks
Would you want to live life slow or in a supersonic whirl 
A life never ending dividing up into different acts

Do you think you’d become wiser and learn the perfect ways
As time provided never ending rehearsals of what not to do
Would you no longer appreciate the minutes, hours or days 
Would eternal life influence your personal view 

I’d hate to live forever and just go on and on 
As much as I love life and feeling I belong
If I’ve got my health, family and my home
I will appreciate my time for however long!

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet
Find my poetry book Eloquent on Amazon! 

Sunday 14 July 2024

14/07/2024 - Perfect Feathers

Sunday 14th July 2024

I saw a feather on the path and stopped to pick it up
I held it between my fingers, as my face just lit up
I felt sure it was a message sent from up above 
Cascading gentle downwards filled with hope and love
I twirled it round and round wondering what it meant
I pondered if this strand of softness was truly heaven sent 
I held it up above my head and it slowly danced to earth 
Maybe it was just a reminder to really know your worth 
So if you see a feather take a moment to reflect 
It’s a reminder that you, like a feather, are perfect 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet 

Monday 8 July 2024

08/07/2024 - April Showers?

Monday 8th July

Drip drip drip little April showers 
Falling in July, watering the flowers 
Drip drip drip little summer showers 
We’ve not seen the sun in hours 🙈😂

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Friday 5 July 2024

05/07/2024 - Words Live On

Friday 5th July 2024

When I’m gone and I can no longer speak
My words will live on
Set down on a page
Forever and a day 
Never under estimate the power of the written word
Laid down in a moment 
There for a lifetime
And beyond…… maybe 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Tuesday 2 July 2024

02-07-2024 - Lady Lou has new shoes…..

Tuesday 2 July 2024

My name is Lucy Lou 
And today ….. I got new shoes
They fit me like a glove
It really was instant love
A rich, deep, dark brown 
In contrast to my white crown 
My owner simply loves them 
Just like a precious gem
She raised her hands in the air
With a slight look of despair
She says that I’m causing quite a stink
In my new muds shoes I give her a wink
The look of love is in her eyes
She’s saying my name - while she cries 😂

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Sunday 30 June 2024

30/06/2024 - Stairway To Heaven

 Sunday 30th June 

I stand with my foot upon the stair
That appears to lead nowhere
I stop for a moment, up on my tiptoes
Suddenly heaven seems ever so close
I tentatively take another step 
I remember how when you left, I wept
I look up above me with a heart full of hope
Suddenly it’s as if I’m balancing on a tightrope
Before me lies the vehicle of my dreams 
A stairway to heaven - or so it seems
I close my eyes and feel you all around me 
Transported up and now I’ve turned the key
And now in this moment it’s just you and me
I slip my hand in yours - yes it is just you and me 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Monday 24 June 2024

24/06/2024 - Flying High

There you fly way up high
Dancing through the clouds and sky
It must be quiet up in that zone
Soaring around all alone 
I sit and look as you swoop and sway
I wonder if I too could fly one day 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Thursday 20 June 2024

20/06/2024 - Houdini at it again!

Thursday 20th June 2024

Gampi is home my grandson shouts
He runs to the gate but let’s Benji out
I have to give chase right away 
Benji thinks - oh yes - let's play
He is gone like a rocket down the road
I’m getting on and I’ve definitely slowed 
I can’t keep up so I can only yell
“Benji come back” - man this is hell
Then my saviour appears
A couple walking a dog are near
He grabs Houdini by his collar 
Phew - thank you is all I can holler 
Out of breath I grab my prize 
Oh this dog - my patience he tries! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Tuesday 18 June 2024

18/06/2024 - Bouncy Benji

Tuesday 18th June

Get a dog they said - it will be fun 
A cute little puppy, that’s how it begun
Now I’m forever saying “I’m so sorry!”
As we race by as fast as a Ferrari
My arms like spaghetti as I cling to his lead
Benji bouncing along and willing to be freed
He sees a squirrel and up he goes
Climbing that tree on his doggy tiptoes
He walks along singing his barky song 
Nobody hangs around us for too long 
So I must apologise for my Benji Boo
But if I didn’t have him - what would I do 😂

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Sunday 16 June 2024

16/06/2024 - Election Fever

Sunday 16th June

I’ve got a terrible earache
It’s pecking in my head
It’s there from the morning
Til I go to bed 

It’s got a special name 
The doctor told me so
It’s called election fever
What a terrible blow

Apparently it lasts for weeks 
And the air gets really hot
As all of the politicians
Wheel out their big shots

The window has been opened 
Now truth can float away 
Can we really 
Believe a word they say 🤔

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

16/03/2024 - Pembrokeshire Poet Was Born

Sunday 16th June

I wish someone had said to me 
When I was a little girl
You have a gift for writing
And poetry could be your pearl

I never really thought about
Putting pen to paper 
I was too busy 
Having a good caper

There was a teacher in my primary school
Mrs Davies and she was cool
I saw her when I was all grown up 
And she said I was no fool

She told me how she’d loved my stories
How my imagination had run riot 
I listened to her politely
But I still remained quite quiet

Then many, many years later 
I penned a silly poem 
It seemed that people liked it
So perhaps I’m not so dumb 😂

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Thursday 13 June 2024

13/06/2024 - The Fragility Of Life ❤️

Thursday 13th June

Life is so fragile- like a fine bone china cup 
One minute you are a young, like an excited pup 
The years roll by and you’ve not a care in the world
Life wrapped up with so many memories they swirl

You wake each day and make plans for the future 
Wishing and willing our retirement to come sooner
Sometimes life’s a battle of hard work and strife 
We have a great faith that we will live a long life

But we will always have tomorrow to do the things we want 
We almost become completely nonchalant 
Then out of the blue your life’s turned upside down 
Suddenly there is no way to turn it all around

As fragile as that cup that holds your daily tea
The future is never promised to you or to me 
So never take for granted the day you have been gifted 
Be thankful that you here and that you have existed 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Love sweet love

 What the world needs now is love sweet love 

If you can spread anything 
Spread love
Spread joy
Spread kindness
Spread compassion

There’s too much hatred in the world. Life is too short for negative energies. Don’t like someone - be polite - move on, don’t hang on to past negative experiences - there’s only one place to look - forwards! 

What that world needs now is love sweet love 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet 

12/06/2024 - Just Be You!

Wednesday 12th June 2024

Who decided double denim was a no no?
Who was it who said that is a no go?
What does it matter what I wear?
Why should anyone else care?
Why can’t we all just wear what we want 
And go around oh so nonchalant 
Why do we all feel the need to conform?
If we don’t follow the rules then we are not the norm!
I say do what you want and wear what you please 
After all who appointed anyone to be fashion police! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Tuesday 11 June 2024

11/06/2024 - The gift of sight

Tuesday 11/06/2024 

What a scary world it must be
To be blind - you cannot see
I can’t imagine what it’s like 
To not have the gift of sight 

To never see a bird 
Take flight upon its wings
To only be able to hear 
The song it beautifully sings

To never watch the waves
Crash upon the shore
Imaging the water washing 
Over that golden, sandy floor

To never see the views 
That rolls out over our lands 
To watch tall, green trees swaying
On a landscape they command 

So take a moment - stop and look
At what surrounds your current view 
Perhaps you may appreciate 
That view through eyes anew 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 11/06/2024 

Sunday 9 June 2024

Stay Here With Me

I wish I could take away your pain
I know that my prayers are in vain
I reach out and touch your hand 
“Close your eyes” I gently whisper 
Let me take you where things glitter
Let your mind drift across the universe
Forget about the illness you’ve been cursed
Let’s float amongst the moon and stars 
In our imagination we can go far 
Let our bodies just melt away
As if there is no night or day
Let wondrous things into your mind 
Go to a place that makes you spellbound 
I wish that you could stay here with me 
And we could laugh in the wind, sun and sea

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 14/9/23

Wednesday 5 June 2024

05/06/2024 - Simply Grow!

Wednesday 5th June

Don’t ever deny who you are 
Don’t ever set a really low bar
You can always achieve more than you know
Every day is a gift for you to simply grow! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Monday 3 June 2024

03/06/2024 - Rob Burrow

Wednesday 3 June 2024

You don’t have to live a long life
To live a good life
To live a life full of impact
To live a life that brings change
To live a life that inspires others
To live a full life
To live life with a smile on your face 

Rest in peace Rob Burrow  26/09/1982 - 02/06/2024
He made his “dash” really count ❤️😢

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Sunday 26 May 2024

26/05/2024 - Auschwitz-Birkenau

Sunday 26th May 2024 

Life is the most beautiful gift we can receive 
(Batsheva Dagan - Auschwitz survivor)

Your soul has been sucked from behind your eyes
You no longer have a reason to light your face with a smile
Your body aches and every limp limb hurts 
You shuffle your bare feet through the dry, dusty dirt 

The sun beats down upon your dry, itchy skin
Your hair is gone and you are so thin
Minimal food and drink are provided 
Unfathomable how humans are so misguided 

A misguided race that sought to cleanse our society 
Leaving Jews, gypsies, Poles and prisoners with anxiety
No case to argue - no right of reply 
Just millions sent to gas chambers to die 

The empty suitcases now tell a story 
Forming part of an horrific time in history 
Shoes that once belonged to little children 
Lives cut short as Nazis ruthlessly killed them

Someone’s mother, father, sister, brother 
Someone’s aunty, uncle, grandfather or grandmother
Friends who once laughed together
Now gasp for air together

Millions of people who had committed no crime
Had their lives cut short - they ran out of time
What they suffered we can never fully understand 
Even if it were relayed first hand 

We must never ever forget the past 
We owe it to those who were callously gassed
We owe it to those that endured that hell
For it’s their story we must continue to tell

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Those that do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it (George Santayana) 


Thursday 23 May 2024

23/05/2024 - Take It Home!

Thursday 23/05/2024

It’s only a can - what harm can it do?
Do these people really not have a clue?
Leaving their litter strewn on the beach
Thinking it’s ok out of the tides reach 

But the wind will blow and lift up that can 
And so this is how a trail of destruction began 
It won’t disappear or rot in the ground
It will stay intact until it is found

But found by what - that is the question
I could list a load of suggestions
It costs nothing to respect the planet we live on 
So regarding your litter - pick it up when you’re done! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Tuesday 21 May 2024

21/05/2024 - At One With Nature ❤️


The suns rays pour down on my face 
Like a warm comforting embrace
The birds are singing out their story 
Chirping out - a song of glory
The trees bear luscious green leaves
A fat bumble bee - around it’s branches weaves 
Flowers peeping out, new life to be seen 
Summer vibes laying out a beautiful scene 
I’m at one with nature and feel so free
For I know, tomorrow is never a guarantee 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet

Monday 20 May 2024

20/05/2024 - Ticking Clocks


There it goes - slipping away
You can’t stop it and it’s okay
You just have to value it 
It has no remit
You can’t touch it
You can’t see it
You can’t feel it
But you need it 

Time is precious - it can’t be stopped 
It’s not a commodity that can be swapped
We cannot control the ticking clock 
But there is a secret to unlock
Every day learn something new 
Try to be a better version of you 
We can’t stop time but we can grow
So remember it’s all about what you know! 

Joanne C Hicks  Pembrokeshire Poet  copyright ©️ 

Sunday 12 May 2024

12/05/2024 - Music is my medicine

Sunday 12th May

I have an invisible medicine that helps me day to day
It’s embroiled in airwaves that float out and play
It such a powerful source and is there for you and me 
It can take you on a journey that can sometimes set you free 

Music is my medicine and it has a super power 
It can take your emotions and make you feel empowered
It can trigger feelings of sadness or make you feel elated 
It can take you down a road visiting memories you created 

It can hold a simple structure or be a complex beast 
It holds a magic key where emotions just release
For those that sadly can’t recall the days gone by 
It brings memories flooding back without having to try 

It’s such a wonderful feeling listening to that beat
Sometimes in that moment you truly feel complete
Like each note has seeped into your very soul 
Cares drop away as it transports you down a hole 

Yes music is my medicine 
And it’s available to all

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 
Pembrokeshire Poet 

Wednesday 8 May 2024

08/05/2024 - Life Is A Gift

Wednesday 8th May 2024 

Every day we open our eyes we should just take a moment 
To reflect on our lives, across its many components 

We may feel unhappy and feel we’ve not achieved a lot
We always end up focusing on what we haven’t got!

Ask yourself some questions to banish negativity 
Are you fit and healthy and able to do activities 

Your body may ache and you be a little slower
Your belly may be rounded and hang a little lower

Do you have a roof over you and your family’s heads?
So you can all lie warm and safe in your comfy beds 

Did you have a meal today and food upon your table?
Did you get about today, as much as you were able 

We may not all be slim, fit, toned and “appear” perfect 
We all come in different shapes and sizes last time I checked

Don’t be fooled by social media images that bombard you
Remember must of them are edited and really aren’t true 

So just be grateful you are here, alive and breathing 
Don’t waste your time being sad, angry and seething

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Pembrokeshire Poet 


Sunday 5 May 2024

05/05/2024 - Rain or shine….?

Sunday 5th May 2024

The suns rays fell from the sky
I had my legs out on display
But today I get up to rain 
Much to my dismay

We love the British weather
It’s like a game of roulette
So any ideas what tomorrow will hold?
Sunshine, hail, wind or just plain wet! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Saturday 4 May 2024

04/04/2024 - Smile -Pass It On!

 Saturday 4th May 2024

Your face says it all
Don’t let it be your wall

Is there any greater pleasure 
Than a smile you can treasure?

To see a face light up with joy
As every emotion is employed 

It’s an emotion that’s contagious 
Sometimes even outrageous

Go on - just give it go
See how far your smile can go….

Joanne C Hicks Pembrokeshire Poet copyright ©️ 

Saturday 27 April 2024

27/04/2024 - Not Your Time

Saturday 27th April 

Sometimes you have to sit and reflect
When things don’t turn out as you expect
Maybe it just wasn’t your time
Nearly taken when you are in your prime
That near miss or inexplicable escape
You got out of that near fatal scrape
Somebody somewhere was looking down 
And sent positive energy all around
That invisible hand kept you safe 
As you reflect over the coming days 
Miracles do sometimes happen 
What if it was angels - just imagine
Maybe our lives are all mapped out 
After all none of us know what it’s all really about! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Pembrokeshire Poet 

Wednesday 24 April 2024

24/04/24 - Go The Extra Mile!

My poetry of late has been put on the side
My pen over paper will simply not glide
So today I just want to say something to make you smile
So go out, be nice and just go the extra mile! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 
Pembrokeshire Poet 

Monday 15 April 2024

15/04/24 - Sober, Old & Forgetful

Monday 15th April 2024

The sun streams through the window 
As I sit and ponder my life info 
I cast my mind back to my younger days
I lived carefree come what may

Now I sit and crunch household numbers
Even when I’m deep in my slumbers
I can no longer stay in bed all night
Needing a pee before morning light 

I have a few aches and and the odd pain
Bending down is now such a strain 
I remember when I busted out dance moves 
Now I just hope my balance improves

I remember the days I was young, drunk and stupid
I probably should have had my gin more diluted 😂
Now I’m just old, sober and forgetful 
Grumpy, cross and a little fretful

Why can’t my body be as young as my mind 
Growing older isn’t always very kind 
On the plus side now I can just say
I’m old so excuse me if the odd rule I disobey 😉

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Thursday 11 April 2024

11/04/2024 - The Time Is Now!

Thursday 11th April 2024 

The time is now 
Don’t you know!

You stop and think about it
Before you slump into a social media pit.

You’ve got no money
Not today, it’s too sunny

You’re just too worn out and tired
It’s on your to do list called “retired”

It’s wet and windy outside 
The sun is just trying to hide

You’re far too busy to fit it in
You procrastinate and never begin

Then comes the final blow
Your numbers up - it’s time to go 

The time is now 
Don’t you know!

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Pembrokeshire Poet 

11/04/2024 - Still It Rains …..

Thursday 11th April 2024

I turned my face up to the sky
More rain - I just ask why?
The clocks have changed 
Summer holidays arranged
Time to bid the rain goodbye! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Monday 8 April 2024

08/04/2024 - The Scandal That Rocked The World

Monday 8th April 2024

Today I have no words
To fall from my mouth

Words that I normally
Find easy to sit and spout

Today I sit astounded
By the stories I have heard

About the poor sub post-masters
This scandal leaves me disturbed 

So many have lost their battle
And are no longer on this earth 

It’s like Horizon and the Post Office
Never truly valued their worth

Lives left turned upside down 
Decades seeking justice 

All they can do is sit and listen
To a government saying just trust us …….

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Pembrokeshire Poet 

Sunday 7 April 2024

07/04/2024 - Don’t Look Back

Sunday 7th April 2024 

I stand and look before me 
At the cross roads I can see 

Which road to set my feet upon 
When I am blind to what’s beyond

My heart is pounding in my chest
My mind not giving me a moments rest

How do I know which road to choose?
I crane my neck but can’t see future views

I decide to go with my gut feeling 
I will pick the road most appealing 

The real trick from here is to not look back 
Always believe, in that moment, you’re on the right track 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 2 April 2024

02/04/2024 - I Give Freely

Tuesday 2nd April 2024

My heart is full and I give freely
Not just to those I love dearly
I give to strangers who are in despair
For these people I truly care
Ravaged by war they have no food 
Horrified by the scenes I’ve viewed 
But I have to to do all that I can 
I feel safe with my colleagues in our van …..

The poor aid workers hopefully didn’t feel a thing
Their deaths sending the world into a spin
They were out helping others and thought they were safe 
Sadly the bomb dropped and it wasn’t the case
They gave their lives saving others 
Please let’s make sure no-body else suffers

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Monday 1 April 2024

01/04/2024 - The Fox’s Demise

 Monday 1st April 2024

You wind down your window and just let it go
Your rubbish out of the window - you just throw 
It lands in the hedgerow and nestles there 
You’ve gone on without a care

I’ve been sleeping all day and now I must eat
Finding food is not a very easy feat 
I trundle along and see something ahead
That looks like food to take back to my bed

Nobody knows how long the fox had struggled 
His head stuck in the litter, he’d wriggled and juggled
It just wouldn’t come off and he’d given up the fight 
His lifeless body - a heartbreaking sight

Don’t throw your litter over our countryside 
There’s a countryside code and rules to abide
Take your rubbish home with you - it’s not much to ask 
Picking up your litter shouldn’t be someone else’s task! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Friday 29 March 2024

29/03/2024 - Peel That Onion

 Friday. 29th March

We are peeling back the onion every day
We can’t believe all that they say
The poor post masters sit head in hands 
For years nobody listened to their demands
Now all we hear is lie after lie
So many sat questioning why?
This country should be ashamed of this fiasco
It’s just the truth - that’s all we want to know
So stop playing games and peel off all the layers 
Post office managers and the government just betrayers
At the centre of this farce are poor innocent people 
This horrendous scandal is nothing but pure evil! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Thursday 28 March 2024

28/03/2024 - Look Within

Thursday 28th March 2024

She spent her days looking in vain 
For something she thought she must attain
It tore her up inside her tortured soul
Hunting down this elusive goal
Then a wise woman stopped and spoke to her 
She told her to ignore the goals trying to woo her 
For what you seek is a perfect world 
Wading through dreams that swim and swirl
Stop looking out and look within 
Then your life will truly begin 
It’s not that perfection doesn’t exist
You are perfect already - a fact you’ve missed 

Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Wednesday 27 March 2024

27/03/2024 - The Joys Of Competition

Thursday 27th March 

Hello I’d like to review my contract please
Surely a question you can answer with ease?
Yes certainly madam just hold the line
Let’s see if the pricing we can refine

They pop me on hold with some dreadful muzik
It’s truly awful makes me feel quite sick
I wait and I wait - I check the line
Yes everything still seems fine

Where have they gone - Timbukto?
I do have other things to do!
Finally they are back, let’s get to it
They’ve got the prices so let’s go through it

Oh dear me what follows next 
Is a financial maze leaving me perplexed 
Could you just tell me X and explain Y 
Another confusing blurb is their reply

I just simple want to know what it will cost!
You’ve presented a mass of options and I’m just lost!
We’ve been on the phone for nearly an hour
My tone is now decidedly sour 

I finally concede with despair in my voice 
It feels I really have no choice
Thank you privatisation it’s been a blast
It seems to me it’s just put the customer last! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet FB 

Saturday 23 March 2024

23/03/2024 - Puppy Dog Eyes

Saturday 23rd March 2024

Won’t you share your tea with me 
It looks delicious, I know you agree
A big, fat juicy steak 
There upon your plate
Look into my eyes 
The size of mince pies
How can you resist my puppy dog eyes
I’ve lapped my lips and given cute sighs
But still you don’t seem to want to share
I’m man’s best friend and it’s like you don’t care
Oh no it looks like you have finished 
The steak very much diminished 
I let out a small, sad whine
As you just sit and sip your wine
Just one morsel was all I desired
Right as my human - you are most definitely fired! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Pembrokeshire Poet 

Friday 22 March 2024

22/03/2024. - A Royal Diagnosis

Friday 22nd March 2024

The public thought they had a right to know
TikTok putting on its on elaborate show 
Rumours flying left, right and centre 
People starting to resent her

Stories and lies hitting social media feeds 
The Princess wants privacy the royal palace pleads
No the baying crowd wanted more 
She’s left him they would all implore

We have a right to know your business 
What is this strange mysterious illness?
Tell us, tell us, tell us now! 
The people stooped to a new low 

The noise kept growing day by day 
Why won’t the palace just say?
A woman at the centre of this farce 
There was a reason facts were sparse

Why couldn’t they just leave her be
Now her pain laid out for all to see
A family dealing with a bitter blow
A cancer diagnosis is what we now know 

Every person has a right to privacy
People sitting in their towers of ivory!
At the end of the day there’s a family hurting
Now I find the conspiracy theories so disconcerting 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Thursday 21 March 2024

21/03/2024 - Shut The Door Please!

Thursday 21st March 2024

Close the door behind you
Shouts springtime to winter
You’ve left everything soaking
And the winds got out of hand

I haven’t finished yet 
Replied winter with a grin
It may be the end of March
But I’m having one last cold fling 

Well make it quick and snappy
Retorts spring with a sigh
So many people are longing for blue skies 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Pembrokeshire Poet 

Wednesday 20 March 2024

20/03/2024 - Where’s My Crystal Ball …..

Wednesday 20th March 2024

Never think you know where your life is going
If you look hard you will always find a cup overflowing 
Even at your lowest you must look for some light
Never give up caring and find a passion for your fight
Open up your mind and watch the opportunities flow in
Maybe, just maybe you will sit and think - where do I begin?

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 19 March 2024

19/03/2024 - The Easter Bonnet

Tuesday 19th March 2024 

My grandson made an Easter bonnet and put it on his head
He said he was going to wear it from morning until bed

He wore it at his Easter parade 
Where he gave his mum a wave 

Next a hot chocolate topped with cream
It really was every young boy’s dream

We took a trip to the arcade where he sat upon the rides
To everyone who went past he tapped his hat and smiled 

We couldn’t pass the beach without going for a walk 
He held his hat tightly as the seagulls overhead did squawk

He had to have an ice lolly while we sat and watched the sea
The only time he took his hat off and handed it to me 

You can’t go to Tenby without buying some hot chips 
The hat firmly on his head with tomato sauce around his lips 

He climbed up into the car, he was one tired little boy
When you’ve got an Easter bonnet you don’t need any toys

My grandson made an Easter bonnet and put it on his head
He said he was going to wear it from morning until bed

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Monday 18 March 2024

18/03/2024 - Don’t Look Back

Monday 18th March 

If you live in the past
Will you ever move forward?

If you keep looking back 
Will you ever see where you are going?

If you relive history every day
Will you make the best memories?

If you harbour past negativities 
Will you ever live positively?

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Sunday 17 March 2024

17/04/2024 - Winter Caves Be Gone

Sunday 17th March

Everyone’s emerging from their winter caves
Does this mean spring is really on its way
The rain has kept on pouring upon our sodden lands 
We all now have weird flippers for feet and hands

It’s nice to see those faces emerging from the dark
We can get out and enjoy walks at the beach or park
It’s been a long, wet winter we’re ready for some sun
My relationship with my raincoat is well and truly done!

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Saturday 16 March 2024

16/03/2024 - The Key Is Happiness

Saturday 16/03/2024

Never stop laughing along the way
Happiness is the key come what may
It’s ok to be sad some of the time
We don’t always have to feel fine
But when you feel blue
You know what to do 
Turn up the corners of your mouth
Because laughter is what it’s all about 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Thursday 14 March 2024

14/03/2024 - How Many Rungs On A Ladder?

Thursday 14th March 

Never give up on your dreams  
No matter how mad they may seem 
Never think you know how life is mapped 
There’s always ambition left unwrapped

Always keep a wide open mind  
Life is most definitely not defined 
Challenges keep us feeling young 
Remember a ladder has more than one rung! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Wednesday 13 March 2024

13/03/2024 - run like the wind

Wednesday 13th March

The wind rushed past my shoulder
It had somewhere to be
I stood still wishing I could hold her 
It just washed over me 

I couldn’t see it, touch it or taste it 
But I knew that it was there 
Like a child I had the urge to chase it
So I ran without a care …….

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 12 March 2024

12/03/2024 - All that glitters…. Equals calories 😂🙈

Tuesday 12th March 2024

When you reach inside your hoodie pocket 
And find the incriminating evidence deposits
Those shiny wrappers in your hands
The reason you’re not shifting pounds

Like a magpie drawn to the glitter 
Calories once wrapped in whats now litter 
Sadly I am just addicted to the sweet stuff 
And never quite know when to say - enough! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Thursday 7 March 2024

07/03/2024 - Up and Up

Thursday 7/3/2024

The bills are soaring 
My heart is roaring
Everything has just gone up and up
I don’t have an overflowing cup
All we can do is try to survive 
We’re all better off - mmm that’s a lie! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Wednesday 6 March 2024

06/03/2024 - Rain Rain Stay Away

Wednesday 06/03/2024 

Two days of sunshine in a row 
It’s really going to help plants grow
It surely can’t last for long…..
We’re always drowning in the land of song 
So I’m sitting here with a glimmer of hope 
If it starts raining again I’m not sure I’d cope 😂 ☔️ 

Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 5 March 2024

05/03/2024 - Shop Shutter Mayhem

Tuesday 5th March 

I stood outside the shop minding my own business 
Then the weirdest thing happened, you ever did witness
I was lifted up into the air like a rocket into space 
My legs were up and head down - you should’ve seen my face 
There I was suspended by the shutter
My shopping trolley lying in the gutter
To my horror I was left hanging way up high
Like an angel flying through the sky
Now my face is all over National T.V. 
As people say - it’s the funniest thing you’ll see 

I do hope poor Anne Hughes has recovered from her ordeal - I think she saw the funny side once safely back on the ground 🙈

Pembrokeshire Poet 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Monday 4 March 2024

04-03-2024 - RNLI

Monday 4th March 2024

For two hundred years they’ve kept us safe 
Many rescues becoming a difficult case
They’ve put their lives on the line 
An organisation that truly shines 

The Royal National Lifeboat Institution 
Their creation was a revolution 
Established two hundred years ago 
We’ve seen this charity continue to grow

The lives they’ve saved are too many to count 
An organisation we couldn’t do without
Manned by a group of hardy volunteers 
So let’s make sure it’s here another 200 years! 

So take a moment just to say - thank you 
And just pray they never have to rescue you! 

Pembrokeshire Poet 

Joanbe C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Sunday 3 March 2024

03-03-2024 - Time Stand Still

Sunday 3rd March 2024

Time please stand still
I want to enjoy this moment
The hours, days and years fly by 
I look back and wonder where they’ve gone
I’m always looking forward
Thinking about tomorrow
Planning for my future 
Whilst looking at my past
Time - please stand still
Just let me enjoy the here and now  
Soak up every feeling, emotion and moment

Pembrokeshire Poet 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️

Saturday 2 March 2024

02/03/2024 - A Special Place

Saturday 2nd March 

Do you have a special place you go
To reflect and just let go
To sit and talk to those no longer here
Who you once held so close and dear
Do you have a special place you go
Where of this world you just let go 

Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Friday 1 March 2024

01/03/2024 - Hello - won’t you hold my hand

Friday 1st March 

The sea rolled gently over the sand
Hello - won’t you stay and hold my hand?
I can’t stay long - I have to go
I’ve got places to be don’t you know
The sea crept over the grains of sand
And for a moment sea and sand were hand in hand 

Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Thursday 29 February 2024

29/02/2024 - standing in line

Thursday 29th February 

All they did was stand in line
A bit of food - it should be fine
But chaos broke out all around
Screaming and shouting, a terrifying sound 
Nobody knowing which way to run 
All they could hear was the sound of a gun
All they did was stand in line 
Starving, scared - so far from fine

Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Wednesday 28 February 2024

28/02/2024 - Goodbye Sunshine

Wednesday 28th February 2024

The light slowly slipped away
Before she left she had this to say
Make sure you shine as bright as you can 
Remember I am your biggest fan 

Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 27 February 2024

27/2/24 - Who will call me dad?

Tuesday 27th February 

Surrounded by destruction
Every where we look 
Living in daily fear
Last night the building shook

Death on every corner
Families displaced 
All the beauty around us
Has now been brutally replaced 

Now I sit here
Head in hands 
Both sides making
Their demands

Yet in the middle
Here we sit
It takes all our strength 
Not to quit

As I sit I ask myself
Who will call me dad?
This war has taken my future
And it makes me really sad 

I dreamt of a future
With my wife by my side 
Now we just spend our days 
Sobbing as we hide 

Pembrokeshire Poet 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Monday 26 February 2024

26/02/2024 - Where’s The Moon

Monday 26th February 

I reached way up into the sky
The moon was up so very high
I stood upon my tippy toes 
I felt I could touch it with my nose
I grabbed that ball and pulled it down
And put it on my head just like a crown 
I never want to put it back so now I have a special brag
When you can’t see the moon, it’s coz I keep it in my bag! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Sunday 25 February 2024

25/02/2024 - Look at the stars…..

Sunday 25th February 2024

The clouds draw in
Dark and black
Gathered in 
Without a crack

But behind that dark curtain
Shines a light 
Lights that shine
Every night

We can’t always see 
The diamonds in the sky
But know that they are there 
Glittering way up high

A galaxy of planets and stars
Housing mysteries from afar 
Like faith we just know
Behind the clouds are shining stars 

Pembrokeshire Poet (Facebook)

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Saturday 24 February 2024

24/02/2024 - Steak stealing pooch

Saturday 24th February 2024

Benji excelled himself on this very night
He stole a steak and decided to take flight
He ran underneath the table 
Steak hanging from his mouth
Then realised that he’d have to spit it out
Not because he stole it, oh no he didn’t care
Because the steak wasn’t cooked so wasn’t even rare!  

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Friday 23 February 2024

23/02/2024 - The invisible thread

Friday 23 February 2024

My life is hanging by a thread
An invisible thread
I can’t see it
I can’t touch it
I can’t feel it
But it’s there
I have no idea how long the thread is
The only thing I know is that one day ….
The thread will be break
As it breaks for all of us 
So never waste a moment 
Treasure every day 
Be grateful for that thread
It holds a lifetime of memories 

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Thursday 22 February 2024

22-02-2024 - It’s raining again 🙈

Thursday 22nd February 2024

It’s raining and pouring again 
I wish it would stay on the plain!
The roads are flooded and fields awash 
The sound of water going swish and swash
I’m fed up of these wet, dull days
I can’t wait to feel the suns warm rays! 

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Wednesday 21 February 2024

21-02-2024 - Breathtaking

Wednesday 21st February 

Forgotten memories resurfaced this week
The truth being unveiled upon our screens 
The “truth” that was spun and the risks taken 
The real threat sadly very much mistaken 

Breathtaking laying the drama out bare
Health workers doing their best to care
Trying to treat and heal in impossible circumstances 
Changing regulations leading them merry dances 

How did they do this relentless task day after day?
Yet the government cannot agree to increase their pay?

Find me on Facebook- Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 20 February 2024

20/02/2024 - Carefree

 Tuesday 20th February 

Your mind is open and free
A life full of joy and glee
You only live in the moment, right there 
A guilt free existence, living without a care
The life of a child just how it should be 
Carefree, joyful, happy and free 

Find me on Facebook- Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Monday 19 February 2024

19/02/2024 - Dancing Catkins

Monday 19th February 2024

I saw a cluster of beautiful kittens tails
Hanging from a tree
They were billowing like ships sails
Gently swaying in the breeze

The first early signs of spring
Those fuzzy catkins on display
A sign that new life is on its way 
As those catkins dance and sway

Find me on Facebook- Pembrokeshire Poet 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️