
Friday 3 January 2020

#REDJanuary2020 -snails pace 🙈🐌

Day 3

The glorious sun makes an appearance- I’d forgotten what that looked like, how wonderful it felt to have warm rays dancing on your face. The only option today was a walk with the dogs to soak up this yellow baby. Isaac decided he was going to come along as well - this was great progress as he has not got dressed for about 3 days due to being down and out with the stupid cold. Happy healthy Hicks Christmas 🎄- joy!

So zaccy boy and I set off for a stroll around the village. I had not quite anticipated that we would he moving at a marginally faster pace than a snail. 🐌 I asked him did he definitively want to come along, yes he did, despite not looking the picture of health. So onwards and upwards - we trudged along for an hour not getting very far but it was worth it to soak up the suns glorious rays - I’m sure that probably did us both the world of good.

It was an interesting walk as I had to adopt the stop go crab walk. I’ve got Benji going 100mph in one hand and then plodder Lucy Lou in the other, which means a sideways approach to walking, stopping every 10 yards to wait for Isaac.

Never mind we got round - so that’s day 3 - more active than sitting on the sofa!

#REDJanuary2020 #Day3 #GetActive #MIND #MentalHealth

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