
Monday 18 February 2019

Bed wars - the proof is in ......

Well I think if nothing else this last month or so has proved a point in our house. So while Georgie boy was recovering from his operation he moved into the spare bedroom. I’m not quite sure what threat he felt I posed - maybe he thought I would talk him to death by my endless questioning about bin colours, schedules, bin day protocols etc 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Anyway off he took himself to the sanctuary of the spare room.   Now we’ve had a long standing discussion in our house over who is the bed hog and duvet thief - well I think this temporary move has proved all the guilt lays at Georgie boys door.  I have been waking up, slipping out of bed - bed looks almost unslept in - duvet clearly and firmly still in situ.  Now as for the patient’s bed - wow looked like it had been put right through the ringer. I mean can someone explain to me how you end up with the bottom end of the duvet at the top of the bed? How?  It explains so much. You know when you get that feeling, when you are fast asleep and you feel like you are falling - oh yes I would wake up with that feeling but I would actually find myself clinging to the edge of the bed, like a cliff face, clutching the tiniest corner of the duvet. I would glance over and there the boy would be wrapped up in the duvet like it was some sort of cacoon- lying right in the middle of the bed - snoring or grinding his teeth 🙉.

So it’s been rather odd this past few weeks having the bed to myself. Anyway with family home for half term the decision was forced - he was moving back into our bedroom. I assured him I would not be jiving, jogging or waving my arms about - I felt sure I would not be causing any threat to his recovery.  I mean I may try and run the odd 10k in my sleep in 30 minutes (now that really is in my dreams 😂🏃‍♀️).  So all is well - all back how it should be.

However Sunday morning it was like one extreme to the other! There was me, George, then Benji the bonkers Jack Russell, Lady Lumpy Lucy Lou who takes up a far chunk of space to be fair (bless her) and next our granddaughter trots in followed by our grandson - yeah at that point I thought there are six in the bed and the blogger said “I will get up and put the kettle on - I love being up at 7am on my day off” 😂.

Oh the joys of dogs and children .......... mind I am finding our 3 year old  grandson extremely helpful - give him a duster and he will happily polish away and is delighted when you give him 50p for “helping poor nana” 😂.  Cinderella’s apprentice has arrived 👍🏻. Unlike my daughter who was horrified that I had not dusted the glass door frames or the skirting boards - oh and would seem that I have completely overlooked the shelf where the Sky box is - think she could write her name in it - oops 😬 🙊. Cleaning is clearly NOT my forte 🤦🏻‍♀️


  1. You seemed to have missed the hoover bag incident �� clean house now ��

    1. Shhhhh don’t tell anyone about the hoover bag 🙈
