
Thursday 14 February 2019

Run - or not ......🙄

Arhhh so I know I made a massive public commitment to running one mile today - I think I may have even have said at a minimum one mile but here’s the thing - I know excuses excuses but well as you may have guessed my poor trainers have not seen the light of day since Monday. Gosh they will be getting some sort of deficiency due to lack of miles, movement and sunlight.  On the plus side they will last me much longer as they are on a very slow wear and tear programme 😂.

Anyway I had a very long day in work today fuelled by a pain au chocolat (squashed having been in my work bag all week 🙈) and a mini bag of popcorn - these are not really “brain” foods - I didn’t really start the day much better with my crunchy nut cornflakes (they were good though)! Hey ho! Anyway I get home and I just thinking I can’t do it - I’m too tired - I’m flipping hank Marvin starving - then the really important “excuses” kick in. Mmmmm I need to wash my hair because tomorrow night I’ve got that date with Martin Kemp. Well ok I say date ...... there may be a few others there - well I say a few others - a few hundred others. Ok ok ok I’ve got tickets to go to the Martin Kemp 80s disco night - so CLEARLY I have to sort hair out (i.e. wash it and stop rocking the pulled through a hedge backwards look), I need to straighten my hair, should do my nails (may just do a touch up job there), but more importantly I really need to conserve my energy. I mean man I’m going to have to bust some funky dance moves tomorrow night plus I may even dig out my “Fame” leg warmers so that will be extra weight on my legs - I mean that’s virtually a gym workout right there - I mean have you seen my leg warmers - there is a lot of leg to keep warm you know!

So there we are - I am ashamed to say I did not dig deep and power through - I mean I barely even took a teaspoon and scraped the surface. As soon as my brain started processing my needs for my 80s night all running was quite frankly off the cards. I expect I will probably dance the equivalent of a marathon tomorrow anyway 💃.

I am in complete denial about that 10k race at the end of March - oh dear that will be me at the back of the pack again hoovering up all the sweets the kids are handing out and giving out high fives ding dong (pretending I’m some sort of celebrity 😂). Perhaps that’s why I inadvertently told someone this week “oh yes I’ve got that fun run at the end of March” - well the moment it’s not fun it’s not worth doing - is it? 🤔😜🤣🏃‍♀️🥰

Remember that saying - dance like nobody else is watching - try it sometime - I recommend it - who cares what you look like #justhavefun #strutyourstuff #ownit

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