
Tuesday 19 February 2019

Out of the mouth of babes πŸ˜‚

It is hard you know to think about a daily blog - I mean after a full day in work I’ve not got many brain cells left.  So what’s a girl to do - I mean can anyone be creative all the time.... gosh maybe there is some sort of food you can eat that increases creativity- I know wine definitely seems to increase it 🍾πŸ₯‚πŸ™Š. I think blogs won’t be daily.

So all I can tell you today is the conversation I had with my very wise 3 year old grandson this morning.

“What would you like to do when you are a big boy?”
“Mmmm I don’t know nana”
“You could be a dentist”
“Urgggh no thanks”
“Why not - it’s good money”
“Because I hate them yuck blah yuck” (sorry all the dentists - we love you)
“Well what about something like a joiner or carpenter - like your Uncle Dom and Uncle Gary”
“Oh nah - I really don’t want to do anything it’s ok thanks”
“But how will you pay your bills”
“Ah it’s ok nana I will just use all my pennies in my money box - it will be fine. Would you like some of my pennies”


That boy is in for a big shock further down the line.

If only life was that simple - if only we all had a great big moneybox πŸ’°that we could pay all our bills from - like a bottomless pit. The question then would be - what would you do with your day.......can I just say I would not be spending my time cleaning that’s for sure.  In fact I can’t believe I once toyed with idea of setting up a cleaning company - I mean that’s just so laughable- I don’t think I will be getting any sponsorship from Flash or Mr Muscle (no that’s not Mr Kemp🀣) anytime soon!

 I really need to start running again so look out I’m sure there will be some woeful tales of injuries, slow paced runs, music to jog to and just general thought provoking moments soon, as I pull my finger out (well really my trainersπŸ‘Ÿ) and start my 10k training. 10k race when was that ever a good idea and why call it a race - I mean WHO is racing - I am certainly not racing - not unless someone suddenly announced that Martin Kemp was at the finish line and you had to finish in under an hour to meet him πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚I might get a jig on then (or even pop my roller blades 🀣🀫🀭😜).

Have a fab evening folks - remember if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all πŸ‘πŸ»
#MIND #mentalhealth #justbeyou #bekind #kindnessisfree 😘❤️πŸ₯°

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