
Monday 11 February 2019

Can anyone blog........?

I will start with a mini introduction - so don’t be rude with your great big air yawns, rolling eyes thinking here we go ANOTHER wanna be blogger! I live in a very small village in Wales - the land of song n all that - my life is very hum drum - nothing special - I’m one of life’s plodders - just like you maybe? Or the guy next to you, the lady across the road - whoever - just one of those people who just gets on with their lives thinking it’s quite normal and boring. However I do like to try and find the humour in things - or I seem to attract bizarre encounters.

I’m married - I’m a lifer -30 odd years - still smiling - well some days! I despise housework and I’ve been very lucky to have a hubby with mild OCD 😜- so he hoovers like a pro, cleans the floors, does the dishes and the washing - I know right - you all thought that man did not exist 😂 - I have kidnapped him and I’m not letting him go.  I also took up the hobby of running 10 months ago and this is where the seed was sown to dabble with blogging. I’m not a “proper” runner - I gasp and Jeff my way around the village - feeling like my chest is going to explode and I may pee myself. So not a pro and certainly not fast - but I don’t care - I’m faster than the person sat in their couch (that is not a challenge by the way if you happen to be a sub two hour marathon runner 🏃🏻‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️- remained seated on your couch my friend 😂).

No - stop don’t walk away - it’s not another running blog! I do use the time I’m running to let my mind run wild and just see what pops into my tiny little brain that may amuse folks. Hence Joe Bloggs was born - aged 51 (and a half 😜) - a diary for someone whose never quite grown up 🤔.

All I want is for everyone to learn - just be you - if we can just accept who we are and what we’ve done and become thats surely half the battle!  I’m a great believer in nursing our mental health - like the moment we wrap our hands around a steaming mug of hot chocolate with all the trimmings - cream going up your nose as you slurp it and it gives you that lovely warm glowing feeeling. We have to find the hot chocolate that soothes our mind and soul - whatever it is for you - running, swimming, lazing by the fire,  reading a book or jumping in the sea starkers (maybe not when it’s -1 though 🙈).  If you can’t find the medicine to feed your mind then you need to talk about it - the stigma around mental health and not saying how we are feeling can quite frankly pack it’s suitcase and move on - the only we can do that is to talk the blighter out!

So I hope you can join me - my take on every day things with hopefully a twist of humour. Interested? Come on in - what have you got to lose - five minutes out of your day to read about some strange welsh woman’s take on life - well I’m just being about you?

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