
Tuesday 12 February 2019

Toothbrushing the unconventional way

Well I don’t know why I worried about what I may write about in a blog - what a start to my day!

We all know that it was bingo day today - what’s that I hear you say - you know that Russian Roulette game we play with the bins each week  - or bingo. So I have a poorly hubby following a big op - 31 years and never had to put the bins out - I know it’s shocking - shocking 😱. So I have to play the bingo game - trying to work out the colour combination each week and hoping I’ve cracked it. Well this morning it was a full house - despite consulting Facebook (or book of the face as I fondly refer to it as - I don’t know why 🤷🏻‍♀️), despite consulting FB friends the night before, by morning I got up and had forgotten it was bin day. Anyway I fortunately remember before I leave for work so I crack on lugging the bins down the drive (which I have now decided is way too long 🤔) - I get all the colours, all the shapes down there feeling very pleased with myself but now really behind schedule.

Off back into the house I go - brush my teeth I think and I will be off. So I have this weird habit - I can’t just stand in the bathroom brushing my teeth - I feel the need to wander around the house - maybe even multi task, donthe odd job  - although options are limited one handed.

 This morning for some reason I thought I would let the dogs out in the garden while I walk about brushing my teeth with my bright pink electric toothbrush. Benji our very naughty tigger like Jack Russell decided he would hop over the gate. Oh bother I think - as I climb over after him - still brushing away. Now he usually has a sniff around on the drive - quite frankly following the bin smell I thought. Oh no - no that will be the scent of another dog he had just picked up. Next thing he’s off down the pavement. So here I am - picture the scene - running through the village clutching my pink toothbrush, which is still whirring away, chasing a super fast Jack Russell. I’m screaming Benji Benji Benji through a mouthful of toothpaste foam - thinking ah man I can’t swallow this 🙈. There ahead of us is Benji’s prey - a poor innocent man walking his very well behaved dog - ON THE OTHER SIDE of the road 😱, so panic increasing now as I’m eyeing up the speed of old tigger legs, me, the dog walker and the cars! Fortunately the sympathetic dog walk could read the situation and crossed the road and bent down to stop the hurtling beast from getting any further. You would not think I was a runner as I arrive, spluttering through toothpaste foam I’m really orry, sooorrie, dankqu fanks, oh hee hee I was brushing my teeth 😂😳🤦🏻‍♀️. Mortified.  I laugh trying not to cover the  poor man in disgusting toothpaste foam and turn carrying dog, whirring toothbrush and what was left of my pride back to my house. The dog walkers walk of shame. Benji at this point looking at me like shoot I think I’m in trouble. Oh yes young man you are but luckily for him I’m by now running so late he’s off the hook.

So the moral of the tale - just brush your teeth the conventional way 👍🏻