
Tuesday 26 February 2019

We are going on a mojo hunt 👀🏃‍♀️

We are going on a mojo hunt I hear myself say
I know I used it recently, why only just the other day 🤷🏻‍♀️.
It seem to slowly wane away when we finished RED
I’ve spent a long thinking about it while lying in my bed.

I definitely had it when January was in full swing
But then without any warning it seems to have gone ping.
I’ve hunted high and low for it but it really can’t be found
Excuses floating everywhere they’re making my head pound!

I really don’t know where to start and hunt the scoundrel down
Should I start by walking or maybe running round and round?
It can’t have wandered very far, it’s probably quite near
Never being able to find it again is my greatest fear 🙈.

The problem that I’m finding is more than sitting still
It is compounded by the fact that I’ve been feeling a little ill 🤧.
I also have a confession that’s one I can’t hide
I’m not sure I can go there but you’ll see it from the side 😂.

You see I’m rather rounder than I ever was before
Don’t faint or start to panic or drop down to the floor.
I’m not expecting an arrival from the friendly baby stork
I’ve been stuffing my face with sweets and delights upon a fork.

So we are going on a mojo hunt to find my fitness friend
I know when I am running my blogs will send you round the bend.
But I really need to seek it out and dust those trainers off
Otherwise when I try and run 10k you are all just going to scoff 😂

I’m going to find my mojo - I’m going to find my feet
My music is all ready and I can run to any beat.
So help me out folks far and wide - Shame me to the streets
Of course you could all just join me - it be really great to meet 🏃‍♀️❤️

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