
Thursday 14 February 2019

Friday feeling - favourite things 🤔

Oh it’s nearly the weekend - oh joy that makes me think it’s nearly time for a few of my favourite things.........

Polish on dusters that makes things all shiny
Hoovers that glide on that carpet so tiny
Mops that slide seemingly over the floors
These are a few of my glorious chores

As for bin day
I don’t know what to say
How to work it out
I simply refer to the book of the face
Coz you know you can trust your mates

Mountains of washing that’s all in the basket
Clearing it all would be flipping fantastic
Baths that need scrubbing
Til they’re squeaky clean
As for the loo well quite frankly that’s mean

When it’s over
I’m exhausted
Simply fit to drop
But I simply remember my bottle of red
And the sound of the cork ......goes pop!

Cheers 🍷


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