
Saturday 16 February 2019

The morning after the night before...

Well didn’t Cinderella coming crashing back down to earth this morning.  Stumbled out of bed, far from bright eyed and bushy tailed - more like sleep deprived and weary.  No time to rest though as my lovely husband reminded me several times over my cup of tea - you've got loads to do - I've got no clothes to wear - the Tesco man will be here shortly..... repeat a few times.  Alright, alright - so off I trundled to strip the two beds and get that bad boy washing machine going.

Both beds stripped, machine going on second load, tumble dryer working its magic - lovely man had been and delivered a shed load of groceries ready for the arrival of daughter and 2 grandchildren.  Husband still making encouraging remarks about the speed and pace I was working at - yeah ok mate - that rainbow of shots from the previous night may have been slowing me down a bit.

Georgie boy then felt he best point out that the dining room floor and kitchen floor had not been cleaned for 7 days and he had no clothes to wear - yes alright - on a bit of a loop now.  I went into the bathroom thinking I best sort a load of laundry out - get the patient some clothes washed - that was when I was met by the sight of Mount Vesuvius - it was like the laundry basket had turned into Audrey II out of Little Shop of Horrors and someone in this house was playing the part of Seymour - "feed me - feed me now" - jeepers feed me now they had! The washing was flowing out - the lid would not even shut.  Man I needed to get going on that next.

Audrey II - I am convinced my neighbours have been dropping their washing in here
Given that said washing machine really was working as fast as it could tasked with washing bedding and towels at this stage all I could do was start the dreaded cleaning.  Off I went with my duster and polish - quite the Mary Poppins I was.  Then I swept the floors - this made George very happy. It is also made Benji the bonkers Jack Russell happy - he thought this was great fun, yes I get it he thought she pushes that furry thing around the floor and I try and catch it.  Once I have it in my mouth  I don't let go and she will then swing me around 🙈.  Eventually he was put into detention in the kitchen - the other side of the stair gate - hah I win.

Well floors superbly swept, just the mopping to do (in between re-making beds and folding washing) - now my son's lovely girlfriend gave me a top tip for mopping.  Fill the bucket with water out the freshly boiled kettle - it dries quicker. So I had duly followed this tip.  I get my newly acquired mop (no previous owners - only used twice) and dunked it in.  I was away - have this lot done in no time I thought.  Popped mop back in for a swill and freshen up - went to squeeze it - spongey bit fell right off back into the boiling hot water 😞.  Well what was I to do?  The water was too hot to retrieve it and once retrieved I really had no idea how I would re-attach it.  My resident cleaner is by this stage having a nap (well he is recovering from his operation so I can't knock him really) mmmm what is a girl to do.  So I found some tongs and threw sponge into the sink. Aha - stage one complete! Mmmmm 🤔I thought, what to do next - the spongey bit did not look like it was going back on there. So I wake resident cleaner - my mop is broken I tell him thrusting said mop into his face.  Oh dear he says, that will have to be glued back on - can't do that until it is dry. That is probably due to lack of use, it has dried out too much.  Yeah not helpful.
Oh dear - that ain't cleaning anymore floors today

The floating spongey bit having a steam bath

So here I am once again having to resort to my good old hands and knees with the trusted floor cloth. Well by now sleep has left George, he finds this highly amusing - feels the need to watch this mission.  Honestly when he said "that cloth is far too wet,  you need to wring it out more" I nearly got up off my hands and knees and rubbed that cloth in his face - if it had not taken me so long to get down there I would have.  I was thinking I bet Martin Kemp's wife does not have to scrub her own floors - I bet she has a cleaner..... At this point I am now thinking that there will be an escape because as I left the gig last night my glass slipper fell off my foot - so any minute now Martin Kemp would be at my door, clutching my glass slipper and asking "is this yours JoeBlogs"? Why "yes" I will say - "have your brought your Marigolds Martin because you have got a lot of cleaning to do"followed by "I am off for a run".

As if to prove my theory right (I had powered through and washed all the wooden floors - way to many - I am so going back to carpet right through)  my daughter and our 2 grandchildren arrived and walked all over my lovely clean still wet floors.  Really? Within an hour the lounge looked like some sort of mini toy explosion had happened.  What is the point?  Watch out tomorrow though - I have assigned my 2 little munchkins jobs - told them I will pay them £1 each.  They think I am the best Nana Jo-Jo ever 🤣.

Anyway I really have to go - I can't be spending any more time blogging - I will level with you - I have to put that washing machine back on because I have no clean pants and what if Martin Kemp did call with my glass slipper I really would have to pack fast - a girl cannot go without her "smalls". 🤣

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