
Sunday 24 February 2019

The grass is always greener.....

What a glorious day here in lovely Wales - not just because the whole nation is still glowing following our rugby win against the English 😉🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿- but the big yellow thing in the sky made an appearance ☀️. (Can I just say at this point not that I was able to enjoy the sunshine - no I was too busy stripping beds, washing and cleaning my gin bar which is still masquerading as a bathroom 🤷🏻‍♀️).

Anyway I sat at the dining room table, tucking into a roast chicken dinner (yes cooked by me - yes whilst stripping beds and re-making them) - anyway I sat looking out over the garden. The poor winter struck garden - I could see the signs of spring peeping through here and there, the birds were bobbing around filling their faces with seed and nuts - ah idyllic I thought.

It was at this point that this horrific thought popped into my head. Oh that grass is looking long, those shrubs really need cutting back, those tree branches are a bit long - oh no - gardening - I mean gardening that’s surely worse than cleaning - well I’m specifically thinking about mowing the lawn 😱🙈.  “Grass looks a bit too wet to cut doesn’t it” I say to Georgie “well we had all that rain yesterday” he says. Oh yes one week reprieve bought 😂.

So watch this space, unless Georgie boy makes some leaps and bounds with his recovery looks like I will be mastering the mower soon 👍🏻.  Gosh who knew I woukd be learning so much this year - that will be the vacuum cleaner and the mower I will have mastered. I’m such a lucky lucky lady 😂.

No coincidence whatsoever but I have started doing the lottery again #cleaner #gardener #ladyofleisure 😂

Anyway folks we can also all look forward to my return to running tomorrow night. I’ve not run for a whole two weeks which of course feels like a whole year.  I’ve got a sore throat but I’m determined to get my clown feet 🦶 back into my trainers 👟 and have a little run. I have of course stopped running but unfortunately not stopped eating - in fact I’ve done quite a lot of that 🙈so I now have an extra muffin top and an even more wobbly bottom to drag around. Even if I do no more than run from the club start point to my house (which can I just say is not far 🙈) - well even if I just do that I will break that awful mental barrier  that seems to come tumbling down when you don’t get out. I am thinking I may have to do RED March at this rate. Seems I need to be chasing some sort of glory to run 🏃‍♀️ 😂😉❤️.  Let’s get running club under my belt first 😂

#mentalhealth #runforfun #MIND

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