
Sunday 31 December 2023

Your Invisible Cape

Your Invisible Cape

I wear an invisible cape 
Most of us do.
Some know they have it 
And it’s been their life glue.

My cape doesn’t mean 
that I’m a super hero.
It can take me at top speed 
But then drop down to zero.

It’s a sad state of affairs 
That not all capes are equal
And our early roots 
Can determine our sequel.

Society can also dictate
The shape and fit of our cape.
Forcing many to wear capes
That don’t fit their shape.

Some people are lucky 
And get a cape and passion.
Some capes are heavy
And cannot be unfastened.

The design of your cape
Is set early on
But it doesn’t have to be
The one that you don.

I can see you looking 
On most perplexed.
I can see that I’ve not
Shared my pretext.

This invisible cape I refer to 
Is your education.
But don’t think it’s just
From birth to graduation.

Each day we start anew 
New day and new dawn
Opportunities for learning 
To keep us moving on.

So never think 
It’s just too late for me. 
Remember education is vital
 and can help turn that key. 

J C Hicks Copyright 3-1-23

Ups and Downs

Today someone will take their last breath
Today someone will take their first breath
Today is the last day of the year
Tomorrow we start a new year
It will be a year with heartache and pain
It will be a year with happiness and joy
It will be a year with tears and sadness
It will be a year with laughter and joy

Life has ups and downs - the road is always unknown 
All we can hope is the ups outweigh the downs
The downs can help us reflect and appreciate the ups 

So I hope 2024 is kind to you 
And you can find the strength to get through the hard times
If you have one New Year’s resolution 
Keep it simple 

Be kind to yourself ❤️

Joanne C Hicks 31/12/23 copyright ©️ 

Thursday 28 December 2023

A growing derrière! 🙈

 A growing derrière

I’m starting to feel like a certain vicar we all know
Who had to eat several Christmas dinners all in a row

I’ve finished off the turkey and the stuffing is nearly gone
But the food mountain just seems to go on and on

The pate isn’t even opened and it’s use by date is nigh 
I think I can fit it in over the weekend if I really try 

The cheese has made a mini mountain upon my fridge shelf
I’m wondering if I should have sent some to Santa via his elf

The Quality Street seems to have a never ending bottom 
I’ve got Prosecco, gin, brandy and even hot and spicy rum 

I’m doing my best to get through it but failing pretty fast
The problem is that my derrière is becoming pretty vast 

So I’ve set myself a deadline to get through this festive feast
So the diet starts in January before I become more obese! 

Joanne C Hicks 28/12/24 copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 26 December 2023

Presence not presents

The wrapping paper is in the bin
Santa Claus and his elves have been 
You may not have got all that you wished for 
We always seem to be wanting more

The fridge is full of turkey leftovers
Dads sporting new socks and pullovers
Mums are happy but exhausted 
Were they appropriately supported?

The lounge is strewn with toys and gifts
With washing up being done in shifts
It comes around just once a year 
Soon the decorations will disappear

I hope it was a day of joy
For every girl and boy
But time is the most precious gift of all 
Making memories we will one day recall 

So don’t fret if yours was a simple day
You must do Christmas your own way
It’s not about the food and presents 
It’s all about your unique presence 

Joanne C Hicks 26/12/23 copyright ©️ 

Saturday 23 December 2023

Pre-Christmas life

 I’m doing my bit for Christmas 

By eating all the pies

But now I’ve noticed 

My belly’s grown by miles 😱

I guess I will have to stop

Before my tum explodes

Aw well may as well wait til next year 

I will never be trim and toned 😂🙈

Joanne C Hicks 20-12-23  ©️

Thursday 14 December 2023

The Christmas Robin

 The Christmas Robin 

I was there, I was the the first to see
The start of a story of greatness and glory
I saw Mary shed a joyful tear
And watched as Joseph always stayed near
I saw the wondrous star shining bright 
It truly was a glorious leading light
I watched them lay the baby down to sleep
He didn’t stir and nor did he let out a peep
I knew I had to fly and tell one and all 
The whole of mankind must hear my call
I puff out my bright red breast
I really have no time to rest
I sit and take in the sight before me
Just a Christmas Robin sitting in his tree
But I was there
I was the first to see 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 14/12/23

Sunday 29 October 2023

Friends Like These

As we wake up to hear the news
That may make some feel quite blue
Let it be the moment you stop and think
You never know when you may be on the brink

Matthew Perry made us laugh 
But of his life we just saw half
A life of turmoil, drugs and addiction 
A well documented affliction 

Let’s hope his life had more highs than lows 
How much happiness he had - only he knows
So live each day as if it’s your last 
So when you leave you think - yeah I had a blast! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 29/10/23

Thursday 26 October 2023

Shoplifting - Where Is The Harm?

Shop lifting - Where is the harm?

I can’t feed my family 
I don’t know what to do 
I don’t qualify for food banks
Or any government help 
I work really hard 
But I can’t feed my family
What should I do? 

I’ve got an addiction I just need to feed 
I’ve got no money but can’t fight this urge
It started out harmless - just a bit of fun 
Now IT’S in control
I’m an addict 
I just need to feed it

My mates made me do it 
I was scared not to
I want to fit in 
They coerced me and bullied me
It’s not really a crime 
These shops can afford it
Well, that’s what my mates say 

I used to love my job 
I’d chat with the customers 
We’d laugh and exchange news 
Now I’m always on edge 
And don’t know what to do
I saw that young mother stealing that food
But I know she’s no money 
That man who won’t make eye contact
He has a problem with drugs
I daren’t challenge him as he scares me a little
That young lad who ran in 
Stole a packet of sweets
His face full of guilt
I saw his mates waiting 
Yes I used to love my job
Now I’m just not so sure

My boss says he can no longer pay me
He’s letting me go
He had a heavy heart as he delivered this blow
His profits are down 
Cost are just spiralling 
The increase in stealing is taking its toll
It’s like taking it from his family’s table 
He can no longer pay me - he’s letting me go

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 26/10/23

Monday 23 October 2023

A Brother’s Goodbye

A Brother’s Goodbye 

The little boy let out a heart wrenching cry
To his big sister he had to say a final goodbye
Her life robbed not by illness or accident 
But by someone who was not an inhabitant 
Gunned down in cold blood - an innocent child 
No longer will her family see her beautiful smile
A whole life ahead of her and it’s been ripped away
Her family will have traumatic memories, which stay 
There are no winners in a long running war
Only atrocities, pain, suffering and so much more.

Joanne C Hicks 23/10/23 copyright ©️ 

Beauty From Within

Beauty From Within 

Will you be my friend said the boy to the girl
Shocked she stopped and pushed aside her brown curl
She nervously ran her fingers over her deep brown skin 
She stepped back - they were not from the same akin
Please said the boy I’d love to be your friend
I think our personalities would truly blend 
The girl looked down feeling a little shy
She didn’t know what to say, how to reply
The boy ventured further - I’m blind you see
So I can only go on what I hear - not see
Your laughter filled the air and your voice is rich and pure 
You talk with compassion and that was the allure
The girl’s face slowly broke into a smile 
She realised the boy had been watching her for a while
The boy didn’t care about the colour of her skin
He knew that a persons beauty comes from within

Joanne C Hicks 23/10/23 copyright ©️ 

Monday 16 October 2023

Warfare - where is the good in it?

Warfare - where is the good in it? 

Needless destruction all around 
Rubble piled where there once was a town 
People wandering around in a daze
Picking their way amongst a newly formed maze
Innocent children now lonely orphans 
Unable to understand their new misfortune 
The sound of people wailing and crying 
As they realise just how many are dying 
Hearts broken that will never heal 
Do those responsible have hearts of steal?
Sadness and despair fills the air 
Innocent humans trapped by pointless warfare 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 16/10/23

Sunday 15 October 2023

The Path Of Life

The Path Of Life 

I don’t know which way to go 
Along the path of life
Let me tell you a secret - none of us know
It’s like walking on a knife

Don’t look ahead - don’t look behind
Just remember, focus on the moment 
Time isn’t promised so bear this in mind
You’re growing and never really broken 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 15/10/23

Take a moment

Today - take a moment
A moment in time 
A moment in peace 
A moment of calm 
Take a moment….
For you 

Saturday 30 September 2023

A Greener Future

A Greener Future

Man - you walk so selfishly around the land 
Oblivious it seems of the shifting sands 
Money and greed seems to feed your soul 
The environment - you think you control 

Control it you do - but not for the best 
Powers that be seem self obsessed 
Lining the pockets of those who are rich 
Dressing up your latest PR pitch 

Our seas are suffocating - away with plastic 
The action required now needs to be drastic
Species slowly disappearing from sight 
Urban areas unable to see stars by moonlight 

Where will it stop - when will it end?
When the whole of the world has been condemned?
We don’t own this planet it’s merely on loan 
A greener future isn’t something we can postpone! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 30/9/23

Monday 18 September 2023

Equality For All

My name is Miles and I’ve been a Christian all my life
I’ve always had a good soul and love my beautiful wife
We’ve always done good deeds and helped out others
What’s mine is yours, you are all my sisters and brothers 

My name is James and I’ve lived a troubled life
I’m starting to sit and wonder about the afterlife
I’ve stolen from my friends and really been quite selfish
I look at my neighbour Miles who has been so unselfish 

Both men are reflecting on the lives that they have lived 
Miles has been thoughtful, kind and never once deceived
James has done the opposite and not given time to others
James can now see his errors and how others have suffered 

Miles has sat in judgement of his wayward neighbour James
Miles sits in disbelief - as he hears what James now claims James has turned to God and asked for help to change his ways
Then the time came when both men came to the end of their days 

Miles rose in all his glory and ascended up to heaven 
He finally met his maker and knew he had no indiscretions 
As Miles looked around - content with his whole life 
He looked on, baffled - there stood James whose life was full of strife 

Lord - I do not understand how this man has risen to glory 
I’ve known him all my life and his is a sorry story
He led a life of sin and was thoughtless, vile and cruel
Surely his ascension goes against all the “rules”

The Lord turned to Miles and placed his hand upon his shoulder
My son, don’t you understand, we can all change as we get older
Glory isn’t based on how long you lived your Christian life
There is room at my table for those who repent and turn their backs on sin and strife 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 18/9/23

Sunday 17 September 2023

Benji Bon Bon

 I bought a bag of bon bons - a bundle of toffee joy

I clutched them in my hand - a present for Georgie boy

White dusted toffee ones and some lemon jewels too 

A dusty delight with gorgeous toffee to chew

I placed them on the table - sat in plain sight

Little did I know what was to become their plight 

They were left upon the table unattended - that was the flaw

Master Benji saw his moment and pulled the bag to the floor

When we returned the crime was truly done and dusted 

Benji looking guilty - that boy was well and truly busted 

He thoroughly enjoyed the chewy, tasty toffee sweets

But now he’s in the dog house where there are absolutely no treats! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 17/9/23 

Wednesday 13 September 2023

Carew Castle

Carew Castle 

I sit upon the castle wall
It walls are strong and tall
From up here all can be spied
No access can be denied 

I look across the vast pond
It seems to stretch way beyond
A host of life to so many 
As for ghosts - have I seen any?

In the distance stands the mill
All around is tranquil and still
I watch a child run along
I let out my beautiful song

They stop and look all around
But the source of song cannot be found
They slowly carry on along their way
I stretch out my wings - it’s the end of the day

I let out one final evening song
My call is loud and beautifully long
I love this castle, it is my sanctuary 
But honestly - those ghosts scare me! 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 11/9/23

Wednesday 6 September 2023

Charming Caldey Island

 Oh Caldey, oh Caldey we are enveloped with  your charm

A place of peace, a sanctuary and offering a wonderful calm

The ducklings have all grown and are waddling around 

Trees reaching up, their leaves will soon turn brown 

The grouse and pheasant roam freely amongst the luscious grass

The beauty of Mother Nature is really first class

Serenity in abundance -  it makes us feel serene

It truly is my favourite place out of those I have seen 

Joanne C Hicks 6/9/23 ©️ 

Monday 4 September 2023

Ripples Of Life

 Ripples of Life

Ever noticed how that ripple glides across the water 

Gradually getting larger despite starting off smaller 

That ripple is a little like the lives we lead

As we are born our ripple is suddenly freed

We may not know the impact that our ripple will cause

Or how far it will travel - just take a moment - pause

One ripple - breaks that water which was as smooth as glass

It grows and sometimes merges with other ripples that pass

Our lives start off small and we grow day by day

Our ripple drifts on outwards and travels on its way 

So as that rippling circle grows - remember so do we 

Your ripple can end anywhere - so just live your life carefree! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 4/9/23

Wednesday 23 August 2023

Sammy and Scott’s Double Surprise!

Sammy and Scott’s Double Surprise! 

You’ve got a miracle happening in your belly
It’s far from feeling like a plate of jelly
Round and firm - you’ve quite the bump
I bet when they said it’s twins you did more than jump! 
That wiped the grin off poor Scott’s face
But now you’ve just assumed the position - BRACE!

Now you’ve got your head around the news 
You are definitely feeling far from blue
In fact it’s pink all the way
Two gorgeous girls coming your way
Some may say it’s double trouble 
But you guys won’t let them burst your bubble 

Helen’s heart nearly burst with joy 
Grandparents - and to girls not boys! 
Mel’s already been on a massive shopping spree
And planning holidays next to the Mediterranean Sea
Great grandparents are all at the ready
To help steer the Powell’s ship and keep it steady 

So it’s two of everything from now on 
Ordering nappies by the tonne! 
Enjoy every moment and record all the joy
Don’t worry about your hair, the mess or the toys!
In years to come you will sit and reflect 
And those memories you’ll fondly recollect 

Good luck - you are going to be the most wonderful parents to two beautiful baby girls. ❤️

J C Hicks 

Tuesday 22 August 2023

Summers Cruel Blow

Summers Cruel Blow 

The summer is drawing to a close
We’ve nearly used all our clothes 
We weathered rain, wind and a storm
It really has become the UK norm
But as August slowly slips away
We remember the harvest is on its way
But most of all let’s stop and think 
Other countries sit on the brink
As fires ravage their beautiful land 
Where tourists enjoyed sun kissed sand 
So whilst our summer has been quite dire 
At least our homes are safe from raging fire

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 22/8/23

Tuesday 8 August 2023

The Pigeon’s Flight

The pigeon moved as fast as light 
He’d only just taken flight
His wings were going hell for leather
Willing his brain to use every feather
Income obstacle up ahead
There’s a woman throwing a load of bread
What to do - where to go
Oh I will just open my beak and in it goes! 

Joanne C Hicks 8/8/23 copyright ©️ 

Robins Rest

We walked along the path to where we laid you to rest
Out in front of us popped a robin with his bright red breast
He sat there on the path as if he was asking us to stay
I stared at him, I smiled, raised my hand and said hey. 
He cocked his head and stood there as if to say hello 
All I heard was the leaves rustling and the wind blow
He hopped up into the bush as if to take a closer look
He sat on that branch, just like an open book
We moved a little closer as our eyes met
It was like he really knew we were no threat
He stayed a while and listened, his head moving side to side
Then we both realised this robin was our guide
It surely was a message sent down from our dad
For this brief encountered we truly were glad 

Joanne C Hicks 8/8/23 copyright ©️ 


Friday 4 August 2023



I’ve put all my poems into a book on Amazon 

Eloquent by Joanne C Hicks



Saturday 29 July 2023

Love Deep And True

He looked into her eyes
I could see from his smile
His love was deep and true 

She stretched out her arm 
There was an amazing calm 
Her love was deep and true

She clasped hold of his hand 
Fingers entwined - wearing wedding bands
Their love was deep and true 

A lifetime together 
Now in eternity together
Everlasting love deep and true 

Saturday 24 June 2023

Open Your Soul

Open Your Soul 

Wear your soul on the outside
Make other people smile
Show off your soul with pride 
Send negativity into exile

Your soul is your invisible power
When we die our souls are no more
Like when petals fall from the flower 
Or the sea rolls back from the sandy shore 

We are our souls, whole and true 
We’re not our physical bodies 
The universe is calling out to you 
So be you don’t be carbon copies 

Set your soul free to soar and grow
Listen to those voices in your head
You have inner beauty to put on show
So open your soul - let happiness spread 

J C Hicks copyright 23-6-23

Battle lines are drawn

Battle lines are drawn 

You stand defiant 
Not moving a muscle
You think you are a giant
I know you’re on a hustle

The battle lines drawn
I firmly fold my arms 
You’ve not got the brawn
I won’t weaken to your charms

Suddenly a change of tact
A smile sweeps across your face 
I feel my resolve crack
You’ve innocently played your ace

Please nana please 
Like butter wouldn’t melt 
You’ve won again with ease
Now a hug that’s heartfelt 

I give up, I give in
Alright I will get the biscuit tin 🤦🏻‍♀️

Monday 19 June 2023

Man’s Best Friend

Man’s Best Friend

I look at you
You look at me
Neither of us make a sound 
But we both can see

You tilt your head
And I tilt mine
I smile and laugh
You stay transfixed 

No words exchanged 
Just meaningful looks
I’m sure you understand me
You know that I love you

I shake my head and walk away
You stand up and follow me
I stop and look into your eyes
Faithful, loyal and dependable 

My best friend 
We’ve never even spoken 
But you have my heart 
Unconditional love right there

Dogs - man’s best friend ❤️

Sunday 18 June 2023

Faith - a journey of trust

Faith - A Journey of Trust 

Lord, are you busy I think I’d like to chat.
I know that praying is something I’m not good at. 
I never know what I’m supposed to say
In fact I’m not sure I know how to pray?

I think you are listening all the time.
To be honest that is absolutely fine. 
But when it’s down to just you and me
How do I know if you are even free?

Do I have to fall down on my knees?
I try but then my thoughts just freeze.
I feel a bit silly talking to myself.
I know it’s a moment to find oneself.

There’s been some bumps along the road.
At times it’s felt like life may just implode. 
Invisible chains choking all of my thoughts.
An army of hands tying my stomach in knots. 

Darkness enveloping all my mind and soul.
Hopes and dreams being sucked into a black hole.
But Lord where were you in my time of need? 
I thought you’d somehow intercede?

My child, do you think oxygen doesn’t exist? 
Air seeping in your body like a life giving kiss.
You can’t see it but you know that it’s there.
I can and do interpret your silent prayers. 

You thought I wasn’t there in your darkest hours.
But I was there, up amongst the moon and stars.
I knew you had the strength to weather that storm.
Those hard times helped your heart and soul to form. 

I silently guided you through those hard times.
You simply couldn’t see all those reassuring signs.
Just open your heart, mind and soul.
Let words flow out like they’re out of control. 

I’m here for you child and will never let go.
Day by day your Christian faith will grow.
Like the air you can’t see, I am wrapped around you. 
Just remember to speak words which are true to you. 

Lord I think I now know how to pray
In You I have to trust and obey. 
What you say - I will do.
Where you send me - I will go.

In you I trust and obey.

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 9/5/23

Friday 16 June 2023

One Grain of Sand

One Grain of Sand 

Time is precious
It slips through our fingers
As easy as grains of sand
And like the sand we don’t appreciate it
One grain of sand on its own
What value has that?
One second in time
It’s merely the blink of an eye
Put all those grains together 
You have a glorious sandy beach
Put all the seconds of your life together
You have a lifetime of memories
But in just one second your whole life can change
Appreciate those seconds
They are as precious as that grain of sand 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 16/6/23 

Thursday 15 June 2023

All I did was love you

(To the tune of Fix You - Coldplay) 

When you said you were leaving
I let you go
You turned and left me all alone
I didn’t know what it was I’d done
My head just hurt 

I just sat alone and cried
I felt like inside I’d died 
And you, you were nowhere 

We’d had a row and I’d called you out
We’d screamed, cried and all you did was shout
I tried to tell you that you were wrong 
You just didn’t care 

I just sat alone and cried
I felt like inside I’d died 
And you, you were nowhere 

I ran straight out through the door 
Hoping to see you just once more
I ran through the darkened streets 
Hoping it would be you I’d meet 

I just sat alone and cried
I felt like inside I’d died 
And you, you were nowhere 

So now my heart is torn in two 
I know I’m no-one without you
But I saw the spark go from eyes
I sat mystified 

Now I sit alone and cry
Just wondering why oh why
All I did was love you 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 11/6/23

Captivating Caldey

Captivating Caldey 

Waves gentle landing on your golden sands
Wave after wave washing onto this holy land
Flowers bursting out in a kaleidoscope of colours
Blooming over and over for so many summers

Birds swoop and sway in the deep blue skies
A feast for our soul before our eyes
I step on the sand and it seeps through my toes 
An enchanting island that time simply froze 

The sun on the sea glistening like angels kisses
Through the woodland peeps out all of natures riches
Bees, butterflies, birds hiding the beautiful bountiful bushes 
In this perfect piece of paradise no one thing rushes 

Churches tucked away amongst the majestic trees
Tranquil and perfect - where your soul can be free
So many secrets shared between you and your maker 
Simple headstones for those gone to a place even greater 

A slice of paradise surrounded by serene seas
Is this what heaven is like - is this a gentle tease
I lie down and sink into the soft, smooth, silky sand 
I’m sure that I feel the whole of nature holding my hand. 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 15/6/23

Sunday 11 June 2023

The Here and Now

The Here and Now

Without doubt

The sun will rise
The sun will set
The moon will come out
The stars will shine
The tide rolls in
The tide rolls out

All we have is the here and now 

J C Hicks Copyright 11-6-23

Saturday 10 June 2023

She danced

She danced 

She danced like her heart depended on it
She danced like she was all alone
She danced like a free spirit
She danced like she was wearing her soul on the outside
She danced and all her worries melted away
She danced - simply because she could 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 10/6/23 

Friday 9 June 2023

We Live In A Beautiful World

We Live In A Beautiful World

We live in a beautiful world
Flowers hanging like pearls
Beautiful butterflies drifting on by
Birds soaring up in the deep blue skies

Creatures crawling and creeping around 
Birds swooping making a choral sound 
Lush green grass lies like a soft blanket 
A medley of fresh flowers that you can cut 

Trees standing tall like a century guard 
Massive mountains making a picture postcard 
Rivers that trickle, bubble and run
Sumptuous seas, waves glistening in the sun 

Our human race is polluting its beauty 
Protecting the environment is our duty
Suffocating the land and sea with plastics
When our world is beautiful and fantastic 

Our human hearts, souls and minds 
All intertwined and making us kind 
Our eyes see the glory laid out before us 
Humans are far from superfluous 

We live in a beautiful world 
And every day it’s beauty unfurls 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 9/6/23

Thursday 25 May 2023

The town that is no more …..

The town that is no more …..

There once stood sanctuaries 
Now reduced to rubble 
What once was a bustling town 
Now merely bricks, blocks and mortar

Nowhere safe to live or work
A community’s history flatten to the ground
All in the name of war
A war raging on day by day 

Children can no longer play in the street 
No dogs playing freely in what was green space 
A town a shadow of what it once was
All signs of life gone without trace 

People living in fear 
Displaced from their homes
Not knowing what their future may hold
So much loss and so much destruction 

A war that still rages on …….

Saturday 20 May 2023

The messenger from heaven

The messenger from heaven 

I sit and stare intently 
At the garden in full bloom
It’s a place of pure beauty 
It’s where you come to roam

The serenity which surrounds me
Is pure and so divine
It washes and envelops me
It’s like there is no time 

There you sit and look at me
Your head tipped to one side
You hop, jump and walk about
Sometimes it’s like you glide

You often stop in just one place
And I look into your eyes
I wonder if you are a gift from heaven 
My mouth turns to a smile

You seem to sit for such a time 
Just still and majestic 
You live a very simple life
Where mine is very hectic 

I reflect upon the paths we tread
And can see they are so different 
Yours is all about surviving 
Mind feels quite materialistic 

I sense you are a messenger 
From someone no longer here
I wish you could just hop up
And whisper in my ear 

Something startles you 
And you fly away
Mr Blackbird I do so hope
You will be back one day 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 20/5/23

Thursday 18 May 2023

A hole in your soul

 I saw a little piece of you fall away last night.
A tiny hole bored into your soul.

You weren’t aware of this tiny crack opening up.
But I saw pain washing over you like a wave.

Life is closing in around you, creeping up silently.
Every day somehow feeling like it’s a chore.

Every day another layer of sadness washing in.
Suffocating you and I see you fading away.

No light or happiness filtering in 
Days feel like darkness and nights never ending.

I saw a little piece of you fall away last night
Let me help heal your soul and get you through this plight. 

J C Hicks  ©️ 18/5/23

Letters to Heaven

Letters to Heaven 

If heaven could receive letters what would you say 
So much to say since the day you slipped away 
I’d tell you that I’m doing fine and loving my life
It’s not all been perfect - I’ve had my share of strife.

I feel like you’ve been watching me from afar
I’d often stand, look up and imagine you’re a star
Our world stopped spinning on the day that you left. 
At times my heart hurt so much I felt utterly bereft 

But losing you made me a stronger day by day
I was angry and full of pain that you couldn’t stay 
But time has past and now I see that no-one lives forever 
Our time was precious and I have memories to treasure. 

I hope you are looking down and are proud of who I am
I will live a simple life and strive to be the best person I can 
I will tell my grandchildren what a great person you were
You will live on in my heart and I feel you’re always near. 

J C Hicks  ©️ 19/5/23 

Majestic Trees Standing Tall

Majestic Trees Standing Tall 

You stand majestically surveying your land
Alongside a river which around you it wends
You sit small and lost in the foothills of mountains 
Dwarfed by their greatness but you still stand divine 

Your long reaching branches provide shelter to many 
At the top sits a dark raven and to him it’s his castle 
Your branches provide the vital cover he needs
Camouflage comes from your fresh green leaves

Branches like blankets wrap and hide all life underneath
A sanctuary and home which creatures can live beneath 
So much you see standing tall on the landscape 
How many times have you’ve been an escape

Secrets whispered underneath your strong trunk
Secrets which you and your branches will keep
Standing like a tower for year after year 
My, if only we knew all that you've heard 

J C Hicks copyright 18/5/23 

I hope there is a heaven…

I hope there is a heaven… 

I hope there is a heaven,
above us in all its glory.

Somewhere that I can tell 
my great life story.

A story of much joy
and happiness on the way. 

Will the journey to heaven 
Be a glorious, liberating day?

High above the deep blue sky 
Beyond the stars and moon.

Lies a world wrapped in faith
Where some go way too soon. 

I hope there is a heaven
There for you and me. 

J C Hicks Copyright 18-5-23

Saturday 11 March 2023

Black Dog

Black dog, black dog you swarm into my life.

You creep in and swamp me,

and tape shut my mouth.

You dampen all feelings 

And extinguish all joy.

You’ve blown a dark, joyless fog

Into all parts of mind.

When I look at my reflection

I don’t recognise this vision.

Eyes full of despair,

I feel so lost and alone.

Black dog, black dog you swarm into my life.

An invisible blanket taking my life.

J C Hicks 11/3/23 copyright ©️ 

Monday 6 March 2023

You Chose To Cross The Final Bridge

You Chose To Cross The Final Bridge 

Just like that you were gone.
I don’t know how I can carry on.
As quick as it takes to flick a switch.
You chose to go over your final bridge.

In an instance all our lives changed. 
We are left - feeling alone and estranged.
You woke up and decided you could take no more.
Why couldn’t you see how much you were cared for.

Feelings of anger surge through my body.
You just checked out and left everybody. 
I’m searching to understand how you felt. 
Despair and hopelessness at the hand dealt?

I’m grieving for such an enormous loss. 
Waves of sadness and anger, I feel so cross.
I’d give anything to just turn back the clock. 
So I could sit with you and we’d just talk.

What can be so bad that you chose this route.
For you to look at your life and decide to check out.
I feel my tears slowly rolling down my cheeks.
This simple emotion, yet volumes it speaks.

I want to scream and shout out loud. 
I feel so alone, even when sat in this crowd.
Alone with my thoughts and unanswered questions.
If you’d have talked it through I’d have made suggestions. 

I was there for you, I was on your side. 
What was it that made your world collide?
Collide and implode with some deep dark secret.
That sent you spiralling into a deep dark rut.

I can’t stop these tears from falling from my eyes.
I should really be sat here full of hate and despise.
I will never understand why you did what you did.
Your sadness and despair you cleverly hid. 

I will cherish our memories of all the good times together.
Who knew I’d soon just be left with memories to treasure.
As quick as it takes to flick a switch. 
You chose to go over your final bridge. 

J C Hicks 28/2/2023 copyright 


Saturday 4 March 2023

A Broken Mind

A Broken Mind

I hear you’ve broken your arm.
How on earth did you come to such harm?
Are you in pain? Does it hurt very much?
How annoying you can’t grip or even touch.

I hear you’ve twisted your ankle. 
Fell over and landed at the wrong angle.
I can see how hard it is for you to walk.
I’m here if you want to just sit and talk.

I hear you slipped and broke a rib. 
How on earth did you manage to trip?
I can see the pain you are in as you breathe.
You are doing it through gritted teeth. 

I hear you took a nasty tumble. 
You’ve every right to moan and grumble.
I can see that awful cut on your arm.
You rest up and stay nice and warm.

I hear that she’s just sits around.
Miserable face and deep seated frown.
She never wants to sit and chat.
I can’t be bothered with any of that.

I’m trapped within my own head.
Some days I just lay on my bed.
My mind is broken but nobody knows 
You see broken minds just don’t show.

I try and get out of these four walls.
Sometime I just can’t answer my calls.
So I sit and watch the clock - tick tock. 
If only I had someone who’d just sit and talk.

Mental health is invisible to you and I.
So if someone is aloof maybe ask yourself why. 
Physical injuries are so clear to see. 
A broken mind could happen to you or me.

#mentalhealth #invisibleinjury #pain #talk #bekind

J C Hicks 28/2/23 copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 7 February 2023

What’s Your Value?

What’s Your Value?

Cast your mind back to a time not that many months ago.
When we were confined to our houses and had nowhere to go.
Did you notice at that time there was an interesting shift.
It wasn’t the actors, singers and footballers that we missed.

It was the health service workers who helped keep us alive.
It was scientists working tirelessly for a way for us to survive.
We went outside and clapped for them, they were hero’s one and all. 
We were proud if we knew a doctor, nurse or carer always on call.

They risked their lives to save others, at a time we lived in fear.
We were petrified and just wanted to keep our loved ones near.
They looked like aliens behind all their gowns and masks.
They carried out their duties, a list of endless tasks.

And the footballers could do nothing but think outside the box.
As their careers were taken and smashed on the covid ridden rocks.
The public outcry was loud, the health service was our saviour.
Families were in turmoil and some shed many a tear. 

The world suddenly turned human value completely on its head.
Crying out that these people were worth so much, so we should pay them more instead.
Yes we missed our arts and the creators but they couldn’t save  a life. 
Footballers “worth millions” couldn’t spare families from this strife.

How quickly we’ve forgotten what those people all went through.
So much heartache and despair, at the time we wished it wasn’t true.
I will never comprehend how some jobs hold such high value.
Surely as society we can do things better than we do? 

Pembrokeshire Poet - Facebook 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 6/2/23

Monday 6 February 2023

The Earth Has Quaked 😢🙏

The Earth Has Quaked 😢🙏

How can we look in the mirror,
And think that we need more.
When people across the globe 
Have had their homes flattened to the floor. 

They didn’t see it coming, didn’t stand a chance.
Buildings no longer standing in the worst circumstance.
People in their beds, now lie in concrete tombs.
These places that were once their safe living rooms. 

Nature at its worst, we really cannot fathom.
Whole towns disappear into the earth’s chasm. 
Thousands lost their lives in a moment of horror.
Now death and destruction on every street corner. 

So when you think you’d just like a bit more.
Be grateful that you live safely behind your own front door. 
Let’s spare a thought and pray for those suffering today. 
Guide them through this time as we look on in dismay.

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 6-2-23

Tomorrow Without You

Tomorrow Without You

I wish I had a superpower, anything would do.
So long as my super power meant I could save you. 
I never knew you were hurting and in so much pain.
That your worries were drowning you like never ceasing rain.

I didn’t read the signs that were so clearly there.
I hate the fact that you may think I didn’t really care.
I can’t imagine what each hour was like, day to day.
I feel so angry that there are things we can never say.

I will never understand what drove you to those lengths.
I wish I could have helped you increase your inner strength.
I wish I was like superman and I’d have taken to the skies.
Turning the world backwards as round the earth I’d fly.

I’d give anything to go back in time and hold you in my arms.
If you’d let me in I could have helped you through the storms.
I have a pain in my chest like nothing I’ve ever felt.
It tightens around my neck, gripping tightly like a belt.

At times I’m filled with anger at the decision that you took.
If only I’d realised that your life wasn’t an open book.
I thought that I knew you and you’d always be right there.
Now I’m left with a gaping hole and feeling such despair.

I wish I had a superpower, anything would do.
If only it meant I could spend one more day with you.
And help ease the pain that you were wading through.
Now I’m left with facing all the tomorrows without you. 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 6/2/23

Tuesday 31 January 2023

A Dog Should Be For Life

A Dog Should Be For Life

Another long, dark lonely night.
Sat pondering my awful plight. 
I sit and watch the sun rise up.
A sight I loved when I was a pup.

I bury my head into my bed.
At least here I do get fed.
That lovely lady takes me walkies.
I cock my head while she tells me stories.

I look deep into her dark brown eyes.
Maybe she needs me to apologise.
I’m not sure why - I’ve done no wrong.
But she won’t take me home where I belong.

She comes each day to take me out.
But leaves me here no matter how loud I shout.
I don’t understand what it is I’ve done. 
I think back to the days when life was fun.

I had a family who loved me dearly. 
I must have done something wrong, clearly. 
One day they bundled me into the car.
We took a journey that was so bizarre.

I tried to comfort them on the way. 
As tears streamed down their faces. 
Then they left me at this strange place.
They said I’d be kept warm and safe.

And here I’ve been for oh so long.
I no longer have a home where I belong. 
People come and sit and cuddle me.
But none of them set me free.

So here I sit in this caged, suffocating prison.
Sitting, waiting to be a family’s new addition. 
I long to lie in a sun filled garden again.
With a trip to the beach every now and then. 

I curl down and listen to my room mates.
What if I’m stuck here in this place.
I had a family, I had a home.
And now I sit here - all alone 💔.

J C Hicks ©️ copyright 31-1-2023

Monday 30 January 2023

Riches of Life

Riches of Life 

Dear God

I know you don’t hear from me much
You may say we are out of touch
But I’m struggling and need a friend
Someone to help my broken heart mend.

I have no money and I have no hope
It’s hard day to day just to cope.
“My child, what’s the problem - I’m always here.
Don’t worry, speak freely and with no fear.”

My children just need more and more.
Every day feels like a huge chore.
“My child, what is that your children need?”
So much it makes my sad heart bleed.

“My child, don’t get sad and so upset.
You’ve lived a life with no regret.”
But I can’t give my children what they want.
Their friends have started to mock and taunt.

“My child, I ask you to open your eyes.
Look beyond just the immediate skies.”
I don’t understand what is it that you mean.
“I mean look beyond what it is you’ve seen.”

“Do your children have food in their belly?
They don’t go around dirty and smelly.
Do they sleep with a roof over their head?
Have they got their own cosy bed?”

Well yes Lord, they do have those things.
But it’s the other things pulling at my heartstrings.
They want the latest games and mobile phone 
They want new toys and a flying drone.

They want the latest designer clothes.
I can barely ensure theirs have no holes.
“My child, open your eyes and look wider.
You really are their steady, reliable provider.”

I really don’t understand what you mean?
Look beyond what I have seen?
“My child, do you really think you are poor?
Because you do not live a life of grandeur?”

“Riches aren’t made up of money in the bank.
Your life is so rich, it’s not dark and dank.
You have a roof above your head.
Children asleep in their own bed.”

“Your family is safe, dry and warm.
You keep them away from any harm.
You all have your health and each other.
Surely this makes you the best mother?”

“You may feel poor and inadequate.
You really mustn’t feel second rate.
Look beyond your own small horizon.
In other countries there are those barely surviving.”

“Riches come from deep within your heart.
Shelter, warmth, food - that’s a great start.
Some children in the world have none of this.
Some have nothing, roaming streets, motherless.”

“So give thanks for the good things in your life.
There are always others with more trouble and strife.
There will always be others who have so much more
But remember there are those who are truly poor.”

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 30-1-2023

Tuesday 24 January 2023

Benji and Lucy Lou are off on a trip ….🥳

Benji and Lucy Lou are off on a trip 

She’s taking us in the car
I wonder if we are going far?
I am so excited I can’t keep quiet 
Come on let’s start a riot! 

She’s put us in the back together.
Oh I do hope this is a trip for pleasure.
Let’s sing a song, loud and sharp
Intertwined with a few loud barks. 

I think we may be heading to the beach.
Let’s use this time to plan our siege.
There’s bound to be other dogs there.
Man maybe there will be dogs everywhere!

I’m buzzing I can’t stop whining.
Hey we can even go off rock climbing.
We can dip our paws into the rock pools.
Do zoomies like a couple of fools.

Oh hang on a minute - what’s this.
She’s turned off and telling us to sit. 
This road does look a bit familiar.
Somethings a foot - this is peculiar.

Oh no I really don’t like this.
I’m changing my whining to a higher pitch.
She’s taking us to that horrible place.
I’m desperately doing a memory retrace.

Yes it is the place - the place that I hate. 
Oh man I hope this visit is for you mate.
Last time I was here he stuck his finger up my bottom.
He also rather rudely said my breath was rotten! 

I’m sat in the back simpering and shaking.
Well to be honest I’m actually quaking. 
Here she comes to get me out
Ready Lucy Lou - do your pout.

I dig my heels in and put my head down.
I will do my best to give her the run around.
It’s no good she’s dragged me in.
I’m sitting here completely on pins.

The man comes out and looks around.
Well this is it - the final countdown. 
What delights will it be today.
Prodded and poked much to my dismay.

The man steps forward and I cower down.
I need to escape so I look all around.
The man shouts out  “Lucy Lou”.
Ha ha - I turn - that’s you! That’s you!

Your face has dropped, your ears are down.
But me whoop whoop I’m dancing round.
The man turns to walk away 
He stops and has one more thing to say …..

Bring Benji through as well …….
What me? I don’t even feel unwell!
It’s no good resisting she’s dragging me through.
Oh heck - I think I may need the loo! 

J C Hicks ©️ copyright 24-1-23